Kit Inventory


Kit Inventory

Create a Kit

Users can create new kits on the Kits Inventory submanager.

Example: Dr. Quest keeps a stock of ready-to-ship kits created in a supply storage room. He creates each kit in BSI and assigns it a unique ID number, then stocks it with the appropriate number of each supply item. When he is ready to obtain new specimens, Dr. Quest scans several of these kits’ IDs and ships them to the center where collection will occur.

To create a new kit:

  1. On the Kit Inventory manager, press the New button. The Kit Properties dialog will open.Kits Managers New button
  2. Fill in any properties fields, as needed. See the list of available properties here.
  3. Select OK to continue to the Kit editor.
  4. When the Kit editor opens, an empty table will be displayed. The following columns will be displayed:
    • Supply Type - users can choose the supply type value from the lkup_supply_type code list. The value entered in this field will determine which kit supplies are shown while filling the kit components. 
    •  Is Labeled Required - This field is not editable by users. It is automatically marked to False/No unless specified otherwise using a Kit Template.
    • Label - This field is not required unless the kit’s template marks the “Is Label Required” field as True/Yes. It can be used to enter the label on an individual kit supply.
    • Sample ID - This field allows users to associate a sample ID with a kit component. Users can set a different Sample ID for each component if desired.
    • Is Returned - This field is used to indicate whether the kit component will be returned from the Kit Center. Only supplies with this field marked as True/Yes will be added to the shipment editor during receipt.
    • Material Type -  Users can select the material for a supply using the code list associated with this field.
    • Lot Number - This field will be automatically populated by BSI when a kit supply has been filled. It is not editable by users.
    • Expiration Date - This field is indicates the date after which a supply is no longer usable. It is calculated automatically from the expiration dates of kit components, but is editable to change the expiration date of the whole kit.
    • Status - This indicates the status of the kit component in the kit. If it is Empty, this indicates that a kit supply listed in the Kit Supplies manager has not been added to the kit yet. If the status is Filled, this indicates that a kit supply has been associated with the kit. This field is not editable by users. The status can only be changed by Filling or Auto-filling the supply (see below).
Kits Supplies editor
  1. Adding one row for each component to be added to the kit. Fill in data for that component.
    • If desired, select the Assign Sample IDs option from the Tools menu. A starting Sample ID value must be entered. BSI will then search for the next unreserved Sample ID after the starting one and reserve it for the highlighted kit components.
  2. After all components have been added, Fill the components. Users have two options for filling kit components: Fill and Auto-Fill. Buttons for both of these options appear on the editor toolbar and under the Tools menu. 
    • Fill: This option will open the Choose a Supply Inventory dialog. If a user would like to fill multiple kit components via this method they must be of the same Supply Type. Only supply inventory items with the same supply type will be listed in the dialog. Choose the desired supply inventory item from the list. Press OK to fill the supplies.
    • Auto-Fill: Highlighting the desired kit component(s) in the kit editor and pressing the Auto-Fill button will cause the kit component(s) to be Filled automatically from the kit supplies that are marked as "Is Default" in the Kit Supply manager. The user is prompted to choose whether to fill all empty components this way or only the selected empty components.Kits Fill buttons
  3. The items used to Fill the supply types will determine when the Expiration Date is set on the Properties page for the Kit editor. Kits with one supply that is passed its expiration date will be automatically marked as Expired.
  4. The kit can be saved or shipped. To save the kit, press the Save button on the editor or by choosing Save from the File menu. 

View Kits

Users can view an existing kit in the Kits editor, but they will not be able to edit the kit while in View mode.

To view an existing kit:

  1. Select the kit to be viewed by clicking to highlight it in the Kit Inventory manager.
  2. Press the View button on the right side of the manager. The selected kit will open.Kits View tab
  3. When finished viewing the kit, press Close on the File menu or press Alt + F4.

To view multiple Kit properties:

  1. Select the kits to be viewed by highlighting them in the Kit Inventory manager.
  2. Press the View button on the right side of the manager. The selected kit properties will open.Kit Inventory View
  3. When finished viewing the kit properties, press Close on the File menu or press Alt + F4.

Edit Kits

Users can edit any kit listed in the Kit Inventory manager. If the kit has a status of Expired, the user will be warned when the kit is opened.

To edit a single kit:

  1. Select a kit for editing by clicking to highlight it in the Kit Inventory manager.
  2. Press the Edit button on the right side of the manager.
    • If the highlighted kit has a status of “Expired”, a dialog will open notifying the user. Select Yes to continue, or No to exit the dialog without opening the editor.Kits Edit button
  3. Make the desired changes to the kit.
    • If you would like to change the Kit Template ID, you can select File > Properties, then select a new template. When selecting OK on the properties dialog after updating the template, a Confirm Template Change dialog will open. Select OK to continue changing the template and append the template rows to the current kit. Select Cancel to cancel changing the kit template value.
  4. After making the changes, save the kit by pressing the Save button on the toolbar or choosing Save from the File menu. Users can also ship the kit at this point if desired.

To edit multiple kit properties:

  1. Use Ctrl+click, Shift+click, or Ctrl+A keyboard commands to highlight multiple kits for editing.
  2. Press the Edit button on the right side of the manager.
    • If one or more of the highlighted kits has a status of “Expired”, a dialog will open notifying the user. Select Yes to continue, or No to exit the dialog without opening the editor.
  3. The kit editor will open, displaying one row for each highlighted kit and one column for each kit property. You may use the “Save as user default view” option in the View menu to save the display columns, column order, and column width displayed. The next time you view the Editing Multiple Kits dialog, those settings will be used.Multiple Kits Properties
  4. Edit kit properties manually, via scanning, or using the Mass Change or Change Values tools. The Repos ID and Study Collection Center ID fields are uneditable.
    • Permissions are required to change the Assign To value of a kit.
    • If the Use Kit ID as Label field has a value of True/Yes, then the Label field will be uneditable.
  5. When finished editing, select Save.
  6. If the Kit Template ID was modified for any kit, a Confirm Template Change dialog will open. You will then have two choices:
    • Select Yes to confirm that you want to update the existing kits to include rows from the new kit templates.
      • Any kit components which require a label must be updated manually before the kit can be shipped.
    • Select No to update the Kit Template ID values without appending any extra rows.

Empty a Kit Component

If a kit component is filled, users will not be able to change the lot number or delete the line until the kit component status is changed to Empty.

To change a kit status from Filled to Empty:

  1. Highlight the desired kit component in the Kit editor.
  2. Press the Empty button on the toolbar or choose Empty from the Edit menu.Empty toolbar button
  3. A Restock Supplies dialog will appear. To restock the supply in the Kit Supplies manager and continue with the empty, press Yes. To continue with the empty process and not restock the supply in the Kit Supplies manager, press No. To cancel the empty action, press Cancel.Restock Supplies dialog
  4. After pressing Yes or No on the Restock Supplies dialog, the kit component's status will be changed to Empty. Users may now re-fill the kit component or delete the line.

Delete a Kit

To delete a kit from the manager:

  1. Select the kit to be deleted by clicking on the kit to highlight it in the Kit Inventory manager.
  2. Press the Delete button on the right side of the manager.Delete Kit button
  3. A delete confirmation dialog will appear. Pressing No on the delete confirmation dialog will cancel the operation. Pressing Yes on the delete confirmation dialog will continue with the delete:
    • If there none of the kit components have a Status of Filled, the kit will be marked as deleted.
    • If there are kit components with a Status of Filled, then the user will be prompted with a dialog asking if they would like to restock the filled kit components. Pressing Yes on this dialog will continue with the deletion and restock the kit components in the Kit Supplies manager. Pressing No on this dialog will continue with the deletion and will not restock the kit components. Pressing Cancel on this dialog will cancel the delete operation.

Ship Kits

If a kit is marked with a status of Available, it can be shipped to a Kit Center from the Kit Inventory manager.

To send a kit from the manager:

  1. Select the desired kit(s) with a status of Available from the Kit Inventory manager.
  2. Press the Ship button on the right side of the manager. The Kit Shipment dialog will open with the selected kit(s) listed.Kits Ship button
  3. Fill in the Center Name. Users may also fill in the Courier and Tracking Number if desired.
  4. Once the required information is entered, press OK to send the kit. The kit status will be automatically changed to Shipped in the manager.

To send kits from the manager by scanning:

  1. Press the Ship button on the right side of the manager, then select Scan to Ship from the menu that opens. The Scan to Ship Kits dialog will open.Scan to Ship Kits dialog
  2. Select Either “Kit ID” or “Kit Label” as the field to be scanned and scan the kits.
  3. Each scan will result in a table row added to the dialog, which displays the “Scan Status”, “Kit ID”, and “Kit Label” field values for the scan. Each row will be assigned one of the following statuses:
    • Scanned – The kit was successfully scanned and is available for shipping. A new row is added, where the he scanned Kit ID or Kit Label is displayed in the corresponding table field.
    • Duplicate - The kit was already successfully, scanned. A new row is added, where the scanned Kit ID or Kit Label is displayed in the corresponding table field.
    • Not Available - The kit exists, but is not available for shipping. A new row is added, where the he scanned Kit ID or Kit Label is displayed in the corresponding table field.
    • Not Found – BSI is not able to find an existing kit matching the scan. A new row is added, where the he scanned Kit ID or Kit Label is displayed in the corresponding table field.
  4. Once all kits have been scanned, select OK. A Kit Shipment dialog will open. Kits which were assigned a Scan Status of “Scanned” will be added as rows to the dialog.
  5. Fill in the Center Name. Users may also fill in the Courier and Tracking Number fields if desired.
  6. Once the required information is entered, press OK to send the kit(s). The kit status of each kit will be automatically changed to “Shipped” in the manager.

To ship a kit from the Kit editor:

  1. Press the Send button on the Kit editor toolbar or choose Send from the Edit menu.Kits Send button
  2. The Send Kit Properties dialog will open. Courier and Tracking Number will be automatically populated by the values if these fields were entered in the Kit Properties panel. The following fields appear on this dialog:
    • Courier - The courier that the package is shipped with. This field is not required.
    • Tracking Number - This field allows users to enter the tracking number for the package. This field is not required.
    • Study Collection Center ID - This field is required. The available options here will be the ones listed in the Kit Centers manager. Send Kit Properties
  3. Press OK on the Send Kit Properties dialog when the necessary information has been filled out. The Kit status will change to Shipped automatically in the Kit Inventory manager.
  4. Close the kit editor by pressing the X button, choosing Close from the File menu, or pressing Alt + F4.

Simple Replicate a Kit

Users can make an exact copy of a kit they have created by using the Simple Replicate option. This option will open a new kit in a new editor. This kit will contain all the information in the table from the original kit, except the Sample ID and the Kit Label in the properties panel. BSI will attempt to Fill all of the supply types listed in the new kit using the lot numbers listed in the original kit. The supply counts for the lot numbers associated with the original kit may go negative if there are not enough supplies to fill the new kit. If the supply count does go negative, the fill will complete and the user will receive a warning stating that the supply counts for this lot are now negative.

To simple replicate a kit:

  1. When a kit is open in the Kit editor, press the Simple Replicate button on the toolbar or choose the Simple Replicate option from the Tools menu.Duplicate Kit button
  2. When this option is selected, a Replicate Confirmation dialog will appear. To cancel the process, press Cancel on the dialog. To continue, press OK.
  3. After the kit is copied, an Open Replicate dialog will open. To edit the new kit later, press Cancel. To edit the new kit now, press the OK button. The replicated kit will open in a new editor.

Replicate a Kit

Users can make an exact copy or copies of an existing kit using the Replicate Kits button on the Kits Inventory manager. Users may create between 1 and 100 new kits from the existing source kit. All kits created via replication will be assigned a status of Available.

Example: Dr. Telley needs to create and send 100 fluid collection kits used to obtain spit samples for her study to her contacts in Alaska. Dr. Telley assigned her research aide the task of creating the kits in BSI, thinking it would take several hours to complete. Her aide created a single kit matching the kits to be sent, and after filling all of the kit components, used the Replicate Kits option. He created 99 new kits from his source kit, assigning unique Sample IDs to each kit’s components. Dr. Telley was astonished and asked him to show her how he created them so quickly.

To Replicate a Kit:

  1. Highlight an existing kit on the Kit Inventory manager, from which the new kits will be created.
  2. Select the Replicate button. The Replicate Kit wizard will open.
  3. The first panel of the dialog, called Quantity to be Replicated, will open. Enter the number of kits to be created, an integer 1-100.
  4. Select Next.
    • If the Supply inventories from which the new kits would be created are empty, then an Empty Supply Inventory warning dialog will open. The user is prompted to decide if they wish to continue. Select Yes to continue, or No to return to the Quantity to be Replicated
  5. The Assign Sample IDs pane will open. The pane asks the user if Sample IDs should be assigned for the new kits. Select Yes to open the “Assign Sample ID” tool over the wizard on the next pane.
  6. Select Next.
    • At any point in the wizard, the user may select Cancel to exit the replication process. After this step however, kits will be created and if the replication process is canceled created kits will be displayed in the manager with a status of "Deleted".
  7. The Kit Replication Editor pane will open. A table will open in the wizard, displaying a row for each new kit and the following editable properties: Label, Expiration Date, Location ID, and Sample ID. Fields are editable and can be edited via Mass Change and Change Values options. The “Assign Sample IDs” option is also available to edit the Sample ID field.
    • The Kit Label field defaults to the new kit’s ID, while the Expiration Date and Location ID are copied from the source kit by default.
    • If the Assign Sample IDs pane was set to True, then the “Assign Sample ID” tool will open over the wizard, allowing the user to enter a Starting Sample ID by which Sample IDs for kit components will be assigned. By default, this value will be the Source Kit’s Sample ID. The “Assign Sample ID” option is also available as a menu button on this pane.
    • If the Replicate Kits wizard is prematurely exited, then a dialog will open letting the user know any Sample ID reservations will be removed. Click OK to exit the wizard and remove any reservations or click Cancel to return to the wizard.
  8. When all information has been edited, select Next.
  9. The Kit Component Creation pane will open. There are two options given on the pane:
    • Decrement Supplies checkbox – if selected, the kit supplies generated via the replication process will be decremented from the available kit supplies.
    • Assign Kit Component Labels – determines how Kit components will be labeled.
      • Copy Kit Component Labels from Source Kit – a verbatim copy for each kit component label
      • Generate Label from Kit Sample ID – This will use the Kit Sample ID and sequence number from the new Kit. Labels will only be generated for components in the source kit which are assigned a Label ID. The new IDs will be reserved.
      • Leave Label Blank – No label will be added.
  10. Select Replicate.
  11. New kits will be created and the manager screen will be refreshed.

Receiving Kits

Users are able to receive kits via the Incoming Shipments module. Receiving a kit will cause the Kit Status to be changed to Received in the Kits Inventory manager.

To receive a kit:

  1. Select Receive Kits from the Tools menu in the Incoming Shipments editor.Receive Kits
  2. The Kits Received in this Shipment dialog will open. Click on the Label field to see the ellipsis (...) button.
  3. Click the ellipsis (...) button, this will open the Select Manager Item dialog where users can choose which kit to receive from a list of kits in the Kits Inventory manager.Select Manager Item dialog
  4. Select the kit to be received by clicking to highlight it in the Select Manager Item dialog. Press the OK button.
  5. The kit will be added to the row in the Kits Received in this Shipment dialog. To add more kits, press Insert a Row and repeat the process described in steps 3 and 4 for each kit.
  6. When finished listing the kits to be received in this shipment, select the "Add Kit Components to Shipment For Select Kits" button, if desired. Checking this checkbox option will automatically add the kit components marked as Is Returned to the shipment. Any relevant information added in the Kit editor for these kit components will also be carried over into the shipment (for example, Sample ID).
    • Leaving he checkbox unmarked will update the status of the kit being recieved, but will not add any rows to the shipment.Kits Insert Row
  7. Press the OK button. The Kit will be marked as Received in the Kits Inventory manager. Any relevant kit components will be added to the shipment editor. The Kit ID will be auto-populated for each new row added this way.