UAT Testing


BSI UAT Period for BSI 24.8.1 & Engage 4.27

The current testing period, during which new features and bug fixes are available for testing in the UAT Beta environment, is from:

July 23, 2024 to August 9, 2024

This version is scheduled for release to production on August 17, 2024. Below is a list of each item available for testing currently. For complete notes on features released only to your database, contact BSI Technical Support.

Items Available for Testing:

Web service for attachments (83715)
A Post call has been added which allows attachments to be uploaded via web services.
Serial logins after session timeout (83255)
A bug was fixed which caused the SSO reauthentication dialog to open multiple times after a user successfully logged in after a session timed out.
Error clicking Submit twice (84124)
Double clicking the Submit or Save button while creating a new requisition no longer generates an error.