UAT Testing


BSI UAT Period for BSI 24.10.1

The current testing period, during which new features and bug fixes are available for testing in the UAT Beta environment, is from:

September 24, 2024 to October 11, 2024

This version is scheduled for release to production on October 19, 2024. Below is a list of each item available for testing currently. For complete notes on features released only to your database, contact BSI Technical Support.

Items Available for Testing:

Shipment_Vial_View Issues (84242)
Display issues when reporting on the shipment_vial_view table have been resolved.
Template Limit Selection doesn't work with Mass Change Study ID (84254)
When mass changing rows in a data entry batch where Limit Selections have been configured for the applied template, appropriate values are now available for selection.
Better error message for webserivces (84264)
Meaningful error messaging is returned when a search is executed via web services that uses bad search criteria.