Data Translations



Translation schema allow for data to be manipulated into a form that conforms to BSI standards when the data is entered through importing or scanning.  Using translations reduces the amount of editing required before submitting specimen data to the BSI databases. BSI translations support scanning multiple field values stored as a single barcode, separated by commas, and separating them into their respective BSI fields. Translation schema can also be created to manipulate data into a desired format when exporting to a text file.

Translation schema are created by the staff at IMS after receiving a request from the repository.  IMS staff then works with the repository to create an efficient translation of the data received for the study. Users must have permission to access this module.

Example: Hiraga is a BSI user and is responsible for receiving shipments of specimens from a company that distributes them worldwide.  Unfortunately, the electronic manifest that is sent with the shipment does not use the same field names as BSI.  For example, instead of using the field name ‘Material Type,’ the manifest refers to it as ‘Contents.’  Similarly, other field names do not align.  Hiraga knows that he can write a Translation to align the field names of the manifest and make the import process much smoother.  If Hiraga does not have the time to write the translation on his own, he can also seek assistance from the BSI staff to create the translation for him.

How to create a translation:

A guide is available showing how translation criteria can be written. Once created, this script can be uploaded to BSI.

  1. From the Translations manager, select New.
  2. Enter a Name. This can be a maximum of 32 characters.
  3. If the translation applies to only a specific study, select the Study to which it applies.
  4. Select one of the following Types:
    1. OnScan
    2. OnImport
    3. OnExport
  5. Select whether the translation should be editable by everyone, users in your institution, or only you. Users still need role permission to access the Translations manager.
  6. Enter the translation script into the Definition box.
  7. Select TEST to test whether the translation is formatted correctly. Make any adjustments, if needed.
  8. Select Save.

Translation on Import

When using a translation schema to translate the imported data to a format that conforms to BSI standards: a translation schema is first selected, the columns of the import file are assigned, and the translated data is reviewed before proceeding with the import.

To use a translation schema when importing a file to a BSI editor:

  1. On the Translator Set Selection page of the Importer, select the Translation Required radio button.  The Select button will become enabled.Translator Set importer wizard
  2. Click on the Select button.  The Translation Schema Selection dialog will open.  This dialog contains a table displaying the available translations.
  3. Highlight the translation schema to be used by clicking anywhere in the row of the schema and click on the Select button.  The Translation Schema Selection dialog will close and the translation name selected will be displayed on the Translator Set Selection page of the Importer.Translation Schema Selection dialog
  4. Select Next on the Translator Set Selection page.  The Translator Set Workbench page of the Importer is displayed.  The Translator Set Workbench contains three tables:
    • The top table contains the first few rows of data from the import file.  If the "use first line as header" option was selected on the Properties page of the import wizard to assign column headers, the column header names that match the input columns of the translation schema will be displayed.
    • The center table contains the translated data from the first few lines of the import file.  This data can be reviewed to confirm the translation schema being used is the correct one.  The Previous button may be used to return to the Translator Set Selection page to select a different schema, if necessary.
    • The bottom table is an error table that lists any errors encountered when translating the import file.  Each row of the error table represents one error.
  5. Map the columns in the import file, if needed, by clicking on a column header in the top table.  A menu opens displaying all the available column headers.  Select the column header to be assigned.
    • As the columns from the import file are mapped, the translated output will be displayed in the center table.Mapping columns from import file
  6. When the available import file columns have been mapped, select the Next button.  The Mapping to Output page of the Importer will be displayed.  Since a translation is being used, there should be no need to change any of the current column selections.  Doing so could affect the translated data imported to the editor.
  7. Select Next to proceed to the Matching page of the Importer. At this point, proceed with the import as usual and select the desired matching fields and options.  Do not select any fields for matching to import all rows of the import file.
  8. Select Next to proceed to the Summary page of the Importer. The Translation Information section of the summary will describe the translation schema used and list all the output fields populated by the translator.
  9. Select Import to import the file if all information is correct. Otherwise, select the Previous button to navigate backward through the Importer to correct any errors.

Translation on Export

When using a translation schema to translate BSI data on export: a translation schema is first selected, the export file is given a name, and the file is exported.

To use a translation schema when exporting a file from a BSI editor:

  1. In the File menu of the BSI editor, select the Export with Translation option.Export with translation option

  2. The Translation Schema Selection dialog will open with a list of the available Export translations. Select the desired translation from the list by highlighting it.

  3. Press the Select button in the Translation Schema Selection dialog. A Save dialog will open.Select button in Translation Schema Selection dialog

  4. In the Save dialog, enter a file name for the file that will be exported. Then press the Save button.

  5. The Exporting dialog will then open. This dialog will tell the user if the export was successful or if any errors occurred during the export process. Once the export process is complete, press the Finish button on the Exporting dialog.