Translation schema allow for data to be manipulated into a form that conforms to BSI standards when the data is entered through importing or scanning. Using translations reduces the amount of editing required before submitting specimen data to the BSI databases. BSI translations support scanning multiple field values stored as a single barcode, separated by commas, and separating them into their respective BSI fields. Translation schema can also be created to manipulate data into a desired format when exporting to a text file.
Translation schema are created by the staff at IMS after receiving a request from the repository. IMS staff then works with the repository to create an efficient translation of the data received for the study. Users must have permission to access this module.
Example: Hiraga is a BSI user and is responsible for receiving shipments of specimens from a company that distributes them worldwide. Unfortunately, the electronic manifest that is sent with the shipment does not use the same field names as BSI. For example, instead of using the field name ‘Material Type,’ the manifest refers to it as ‘Contents.’ Similarly, other field names do not align. Hiraga knows that he can write a Translation to align the field names of the manifest and make the import process much smoother. If Hiraga does not have the time to write the translation on his own, he can also seek assistance from the BSI staff to create the translation for him.