System Preferences


System Preferences

The database's System preferences are set by System Administrators. When each database is initially set up, preferences are configured by the System Administrators to match the needs of the database. If changes to the system preferences are needed, they can be requested by the database owner. The System Administrators will then coordinate with the owner and make the changes. The following general system preferences are currently available:

    Preference Name

    Advanced Relabel Task

    This will add a step to the Relabel Task called Specify New Labels, which must be done before the task can be completed.

    Advanced Requisition Task Templates

    Enables advanced requisition task template features available via the Requisition Task Templates manager.

    Allow Multi Repository Users

    This enables users to be given access to multiple repositories.

    Allow Req Location Discrepancy

    This allows users to add discrepancies to location fields.

    Allow Simultaneous Req Edit

    This allows multiple users to edit the same requisition at the same time.

    Alternate Display Vial Order Lab Reports

    This will set the system to use the alternate display order on lab reports.

    Automated Exception Emails

    This enables any exceptions to automatically be emailed to a specified address.

    Automated Exception Email Recipient

    This defines who will recieve automatic exception emails.

    Batch Date Collected Field

    This defines the hstore field name for what would be the "batch.date_collected" field.

    Batch First Name Field

    This defines the hstore field name for what would be the "batch.first_name" field.

    Batch Last Name Field

    This defines the hstore field name for what would be the "batch.last_name" field.

    Batch Max Vial Limit

    Set in four separate preferences by batch type (Add, Modify, Delete, or Change ID), this numeric preference will set the number of specimens allowed in one batch. The default number of specimens is not exceeded, regardless of the method used to add specimen. The Modify and Delete batches have a default maximum of 10,000, and the Change Id batch has a default maximum of 10.

    Batch Protocol Subject ID Field

    This defines the hstore field name for what would be the "batch.protocol_subject_id" field.

    Batch Sample ID Field

    This defines the hstore field name for what would be the "batch.sample_id" field.

    Batch Visit Field

    This defines the hstore field name for what would be the "batch.visit" field.

    BSI ID Search Field

    This defines which fields speed up Quick Search by detecting BSI IDs and searching on the fields.

    Change Vial Ownership Task

    This enables the Change Vial Ownership Task.

    Client Editable Auto Generated Study ID

    This system preference works in conjunction with the study_format preference. If enabled, users must have a role permission granted to edit generated Study IDs.

    Commit from Batch Editor Auto Checks L2 Errors

    Automatically check L2 errors when committing from the Data Entry batch editor, if any changes have been made to the batch or errors have not been checked.

    Compare Data with Shipment on Commit

    Automatically compare vial data with a Shipment Vial ID to the corresponding data for that vial in the shipment batch during Add batch commit.


    Defines the email address notifications will be sent to when a new study is created via BSI Engage or the BSI client.


    Defines the email body text of the notification sent to the recipient defined in the custom_study_insert_recipient system preference.


    Defines the email address notifications will be sent to when a study is updated via BSI Engage or the BSI client.


    Defines the email body text of the notification sent to the recipient defined in the custom_study_update_recipient system preference.

    Date Received Not Blank Verifier is Error

    This sets the Date Received field to display an error when left blank, instead of a warning.

    Deactivate User Notification Days Prior

    This sets the number of days prior to deactivation that a user will receive email notifications.

    Deactivate User Inactivity Days

    Determines the number of days after which an inactive user will be deactivated. The default is 90 days.

    Default Kit Label

    This determines that the Kit Label will default to the Kit ID if no other label is provided.

    Default to Easy Access Level

    This defaults the Access Level in Data Entry, Shipments, and Requisitions to "Anyone in the Repository/Institution".

    Default Error Table ID Fields

    This defines default fields used in the Print Errors option. User preferences will override this general preference.

    Delete Orphaned Universal Subjects

    When the Enable Universal Subjects system preference is enabled, this preference deletes a universal subject record after the last study-subject record associated with it is re-linked to a different universal subject record.

    Disable Inactive User Email

    Will disable email notifications to users with inactive accounts.

    Discrepancy Task Off

    Discrepancy tasks will not be created when discrepancies are added via the RMB to a requisition. Unresolved discrepancies in a requisition will prevent the requisition from being completed, but specimens can be returned to the inventory with a Vial Status of "Discrepant".

    Duplicate Label Error Level

    This sets the error level for the Current Label is Unique Verifier.

    Edit Universal Subject Permission Required

    When the Enable Universal Subjects system preference is enabled, this preference determines whether or not a separate role permission will be required to edit universal subject data.

    Enable Engage

    Enables BSI Engage to be accessed by users with appropriate permissions.

    Enable Requisition Vial Approval

    This sets study level approval requirements which must be given before tasks can be completed in Requisitions.

    Enable Universal Subjects

    This enables universal subjects to be created, which link study-specific subjects across multiple studies.

    Enable Subject Exists Verifier

    This enables the subject existence verifier that prevents users from adding new subjects from data entry directly.

    Enforce Positive Supply Inventory

    This prevents Kit supply inventory values from becoming negative.

    Filter Results by Institution

    This will filter search results by the institution they belong to, if multiple institutions exist in one database.

    Generated Password Expiry Hours

    This sets the number of hours before a temporary password expires.

    Get Colocated Vials

    This turns on the Get Colocated Vials tool menu option in the requisition editor.

    Like Search Ignores Case

    This preference makes the Like search (using the @= operator) ignore case sensitivity.

    Login Method

    This determines if a database allows for non-SSO logins in the client as well as BSI Hub and Engage. If it is set to “SSO Only” (case sensitive) the database will require users to login with SSO. If it is set to anything else, or if it is missing, the database will have a hybrid login that allows for SSO or traditional BSI logins. Which SSO logins are available correspond to the active values in the lkup_idp code list.


    This specifies the number of bad login attempts that will be allowed before an account is marked as inactive. When this is set to an integer between 1 and 10, the user will be deactivated after the nth incorrect login attempt. When this preference is not enabled, users will be deactivated after the 10th incorrect login attempt. This behavior applies to other situations where users may be prompted to enter their credentials, such as when completing e-signatures. This preference applies to any non-SSO accounts.

    Mirror Attachment Directory

    This defines the attachment directory used on Mirror servers.

    Non Editable Subject Field Label

    This will make a Customization Subject field label set non-editable. A different preference will be available to individually make each Customization Subject Field non-editable.

    Open Batch After Transfer

    This will automatically check the shipment batch transfer dialog box.

    Password Expiry Days Limit

    This sets the number of days after which a user will have to change their password. By default, when this preference is not set passwords expire after 90 days.

    Password Minimum Length

    This preference takes an integer value from 8 to 39 to define the minimum allowed password length for users authenticating with a BSI username and password. EWS (Exclusive Web Service) users and SSO (single sign on) users are not impacted by this preference. When this preference is not set the default minimum password length is 8.


    Specify the first character of BSI IDs.

    Req Approval URL

    This defines the base URL that links to Requisition Approvals on BSI Engage. The Req ID will be appended to the end to generate the full URL.

    Req Repository Change Control Message

    This defines the message displayed when a user not at the repository attempts to open an in-process requisition.

    Requisition Discrepancy Added

    Defined text for the email notification sent to the repository contact and requisition submitter when a discrepancy is added.

    Requisition Discrepancy Resolved

    Defined text for the email notification sent to the repository contact and requisition submitter when a discrepancy is resolved.

    Sample ID Structure

    This defines the Sample ID structure.

    Sample Reservation conflict is error in Data Entry

    When set to True an error is shown when a record’s Sample ID does not match the Study it was reserved for in a Sample Reservations batch. If not set to true, a warning is given.

    Sample Study Volume Warning

    This defines the settings for the Study Material Type Volume Verifier.

    Select Req Property Template on Create

    This preference allows Requisition Property Templates to be selected and req properties to be entered when automatically creating a requisition through direct distribution or right mouse button actions.

    Sensitivity Warning Dialog

    This defines the Sensitive Information warning that appears when a user starts BSI. This can be specific to the database.

    Session Timeout

    This specifies the time before a session is set to inactive, in minutes.

    Ship Date Collected Field

    This defines the hstore field name for what would be the "shipment.date_collected" field.

    Ship First Name Field

    This defines the hstore field name for what would be the "shipment.first_name" field.

    Ship Last Name Field

    This defines the hstore field name for what would be the "shipment.last_name" field.

    Ship Protocol Subject ID Field

    This defines the hstore field name for what would be the "shipment.protocol_subject_id" field.

    Ship Sample ID Field

    This defines the hstore field name for what would be the "shipment.sample_id" field.

    Shipment Discrepancy Added

    Defined text for the email notification sent to the repository contact and shipment submitter when a discrepancy is added.

    Shipment Discrepancy Resolved

    Defined text for the email notification sent to the repository contact and shipment submitter when a discrepancy is resolved.

    Shipment Tracking

    This enables the tracking button on the Shipment Manager.

    Show BSI Dashboard

    This will be set to show the Dashboard automatically, but can be set to show the Homepage instead.

    Show Common Subject Fields

    This displays common subject fields in Data Entry, Shipments and Requisitions.

    Study Approval Field

    This designates the field used to determine which users can approve specimens in a requisition if vial approval is enabled.. Generally it is the PI of the Study.

    Study Format

    This defines the format used in generating new Study IDs.

    Study Subject Authorization Filter

    This hides Studies, Subjects and Subject Attributes for which the user does not have study view permissions.

    Suggest Locations Based on Vial

    This allows users to search on vial-level fields for locations that contain vials with matching values. This is accessible via the Advanced Search on the Location Reservation wizard.

    Turn Off Requisition Discrepancy Task

    When this system preference is set to True, a Discrepancy task is not created when a discrepancy is added to specimens in a requisition.

    Universal Subject ID Format

    When the Enable Universal Subjects system preference is enabled, this preference determines the format new universal subject IDs will be automatically generated in.

    Use First Sample ID for Microarray

    This will use the first available sample ID for a microarray. If set to false, the Sample ID field will be left blank when completing a Create Microarray Task.

    Use Kit ID as Label

    This adds a checkbox to the Kit properties dialog to automatically use Kit ID as Kit Label.

    Use Station Tracking

    Enables tracking of which work station a requisition is at.

    Vial Order Deactivation

    True/False. Setting this preference to True will disable the requirement that vial order be specified before a Transfer task can be completed.

    Vial Study Volume Warning

    This defines settings for the Vial Material Type Volume Verifier.

    Warn on Task Applied to Out Vial

    This preference enables a warning to be displayed when applying a task to a specimen that is currently Out.