User Administration Manager


User Account Administration

The process of adding, removing and updating users is accomplished via the User Administration manager. If a user has administration privileges, the User Administration manager can be launched by selecting User Administration from the Managers menu. User accounts are created and modified through the user editor or Multiple User editor.

BSI uses role-based security to assign privileges to users. Roles are defined with specific permissions in the Roles manager (See Administration & Security > Security > Roles). Once defined, a role can then be assigned to a user from the User Administration manager. Multiple roles can be assigned to one user, granting that user all permissions defined in any assigned role.

Non-administrators do not have access to the User Administration manager. They can modify only their own information in the User editor by selecting User Profile from the Tools menu.

User accounts include a substantial set of preferences which may be used to default settings, receive notification, or otherwise streamline the user experience. User Configuration templates may be created to assign a standard configuration of preferences to user accounts.

User Administration Manager

The User Administration manager consists of 3 sub-managers: User Administration, User Configuration Templates, and User Teams.

The User Manager consists of a list of users along with information, and action buttons on the right. Using this interface, you can set current users as inactive, or open the User Editor to add new users or to edit user information.

edit button

The following options are available from the User Administration sub-manager: 

  • New  - Opens the User Editor for a new user. Enter the user name, contact information and roles for the new user and click Save to create the user.
  • View - Opens the User Editor in view mode for the selected user. No data can be edited.
  • Edit - Edits existing users. Select the user or multiple users in the user table and click on the Edit button. To edit an individual user, double-click on the user name itself or highlight the user and select Edit. This will launch the User Editor for the selected user, allowing you to edit all user information, including study permissions and unique user preferences. Selecting multiple users will open the Multiple User Editor.
  • Add Multiple Button - Opens the Multiple User editor, allowing users to enter multiple new users in a table format. The Multiple User editor does not include the Study Permissions. They can be edited one user at a time in the User editor or one study at a time in the Studies module.
  • Filter - This button will launch a Standard Search Dialog to specify the users to see listed in the User Administration sub-manager dialog

User Table

The user table lists all the current and inactive users. 

  • User Name - The unique user name used to identify the user in BSI.
  • User ID - A unique ID number assigned to the user when the user was created.
  • Contact ID - A unique ID number used to reference the user's contact information in the Contacts manager
  • Status - The current status of the user, either Status Active or Status Inactive/Deleted.
  • SSO ID – On databases set up for SSO, is the unique account identifier linking to the user’s SSO authentication system.
  • SSO IdP – On databases set up for SSO, is the active SSO authentication login system.
  • Repository - The repository the user belongs to.
  • Institution - The institution the user is assigned to.
  • Access Level - The access level of the user.
  • User information fields, such as first and last name, address, email and phone number.
  • Num Logons - The number of times the user has logged on.
  • Date Logged On - The last date and time the user logged onto BSI.
  • Date Logged Off - The last date and time the user logged off of BSI.
  • Date Entered - The date and time the user profile was created on BSI.
  • Date Modified - The date and time the user profile was last modified in the User Administration manager.
  • Date Password Last Modified - The date and time the user's password was last modified.

User Editor

The User Editor has a tab interface that allows you to specify a user’s information.  Users can open the user editor to edit their own profile by selecting User Profile... from the Tools menu.User Editor

Example: Mr. Jenkins has permissions to manage user accounts. He creates a new user, Michael Fry, who will be working in Repository C, entering new specimens for a particular study. He gives Michael only permissions to the Data Entry module and sets up his study permissions to allow him permissions to commit specimens for Study BHMF.