Kit Inventory Editor
A new kit can be created by pressing the New button on the Inventory sub-manager. This opens a Kits Properties dialog where you can enter properties for the kit like associated Study, Expiration Date, etc. You can also select Kit Template ID if creating a kit using a Kit Template.

A new kit editor opens after pressing OK on the Kit Properties dialog. The kit is assigned a Kit ID after saving in this dialog.
Supplies can be added to the kit by adding a row for each type of supply. You can specify if that supply/sample will be returned later and received in BSI via the “Is Returned” field. You can also specify other details like Sample ID, Material Type collected, its label, etc. Some data is automatically filled in after you fill your supply from the available stock of that supply, including the Expiration Date and Lot Number.
You will need to fill these supplies before shipping the kit to the Center.
The Fill icon will give you a chance to select a supply of your choice if there are multiple supplies of the same type are available. The Auto-fill icon will fill the kit with the supply which is marked as 'Is Default' in the supply's properties.
The Empty icon will allow you to empty supplies from the kit.

Then the kit can be saved and shipped to the center when required.