To create a new Kit Study Collection Center:
- Press New on the Kit Centers manager.

- A blank Study Collection Center editor will open with the following fields:
- Site - Required
- Center
- Study ID - Required
- Notification Threshold - Required
- Status - Required
- Contact ID - Required
- Repository ID
- Kits at site - Non-editable; system generated field.
- Kits sent to site - Non-editable; system generated field.
- Kits received by repository - Non-editable; system generated field.

- Fill in the required information. When finished, press the Save button on the toolbar or select Save from the File menu.
Example: Dr. Quest is studying blood samples from subjects infected with a new disease. His specimens come from several states where the illness has been spotted and are collected by doctors onsite. When the disease is spotted in a new location, he creates a kit center in BSI for the location he will receive blood samples from, then sends kits for specimen collection.