Reserving Locations
In databases that have the Locations module, locations can be reserved for vials from within Shipments, Data Entry and Requisitions task completion editors. The locations must already exist in Locations in order to be reserved. Reserving the locations will automatically assign the location data to the selected rows in the batch editor. If desired, users can stop midway through reserving locations and then resume at a later point.
To reserve locations for a batch:
Select the rows that are to have locations reserved and assigned.
Select Reserve Locations from the Tools menu in Data Entry and Shipments editors. In a Requisitions task completion editor, press the Locations button and select Reserve Locations from the sub-menu. This will open the Reserving Locations wizard.
Use the Reserving Locations wizard to select the container(s).
When the wizard closes, the locations selected will be reserved and the location data will be assigned to the selected rows.
If locations have been erroneously reserved, they can be unreserved by selecting Remove Location Reservations from the Tools menu.