BSI alerts users when batch information may be inappropriate or incorrect. Users may receive warnings or errors while constructing a batch in the error table located at the bottom of the batch form or after a batch has failed to commit. Users can view warning and error descriptions from the editor. Any warnings or errors in a field in a form in BSI will be displayed below the field. The field is highlighted in red with the message below and is returned to normal, with the message removed, once the error or warning is cleared. Any warnings or errors found while the batch is in the committing process will be displayed on the Message tab.
Warnings simply alert the user if specimen information seems inappropriate. For example, a user will be warned if a volume seems to large for a particular material type or if they have entered a new Study ID for a particular Sample ID. Fields with warnings are highlighted in blue.
While batches with warnings can be committed, batches containing errors cannot. Errors alert users that a particular value is inappropriate for a particular field. For example, a user will receive an error if they have left a required field blank. Fields containing errors are highlighted in red.
Errors can be checked by selecting the Check errors buttons on the toolbar or from the Tools menu. There are two levels of errors. The first error check button, or Check Level 1 (L1) errors, displays any incorrect or missing required fields. The second error check button, or Check Level 2 (L2) errors, displays errors that are checked against the database, such as invalid or missing location values or duplicate BSI IDs. Users are prompted to clear all L1 errors before they can check L2 errors. In some dialogs, both levels are combined into one button labeled Check Errors.