Data Entry Warnings and Errors


Data Entry Warnings and Errors

BSI alerts users when batch information may be inappropriate or incorrect.  Users may receive warnings or errors while constructing a batch in the error table located at the bottom of the batch form or after a batch has failed to commit.  Users can view warning and error descriptions from the editor. Any warnings or errors in a field in a form in BSI will be displayed below the field. The field is highlighted in red with the message below and is returned to normal, with the message removed, once the error or warning is cleared. Any warnings or errors found while the batch is in the committing process will be displayed on the Message tab.

Warnings simply alert the user if specimen information seems inappropriate.  For example, a user will be warned if a volume seems to large for a particular material type or if they have entered a new Study ID for a particular Sample ID.  Fields with warnings are highlighted in blue.

While batches with warnings can be committed, batches containing errors cannot.  Errors alert users that a particular value is inappropriate for a particular field.  For example, a user will receive an error if they have left a required field blank.  Fields containing errors are highlighted in red.

Errors can be checked by selecting the Check errors buttons on the toolbar or from the Tools menu. There are two levels of errors. The first error check button, or Check Level 1 (L1) errors, displays any incorrect or missing required fields. The second error check button, or Check Level 2 (L2) errors, displays errors that are checked against the database, such as invalid or missing location values or duplicate BSI IDs.  Users are prompted to clear all L1 errors before they can check L2 errors. In some dialogs, both levels are combined into one button labeled Check Errors.

Check for Warnings and Errors

To check a batch for level 1 warnings and errors on the Data Entry Editor either select Check Level 1 Errors from the Tools menu or press the Check Level 1 Errors button.  To check a batch for level 2 warnings and errors either select Check Level 1 & 2 Errors from the Tools menu or press the Check Level 1 & 2 Errors button.  Level 2 errors cannot be checked until the batch has been saved and all Level 1 errors are resolved.

Warnings and errors will appear in the table at the bottom of the editor.  The table contains a row for each warning or error and the following columns:

  • Type - indicates warning or error.

  • Row - indicates the row where the warning or error is located.

  • Column - indicates the column where the warning or error is located.

  • Description - contains a warning or error code followed by a description.

Warnings and errors can be corrected by editing the erroneous specimen data.

Sample Reservation Conflicts in Add and Modify Batches

If the System Preference “sample_reservation_conflict_is_error_in_data_entry” is set to true, an error is thrown in Add and Modify batches when a record’s Sample ID does not match the Study it was reserved for in a Sample Reservations batch. If the preference is not set to true, a warning is given.

When this System Preference is set to false and if a reserved Sample ID is used with any study other than the study in the Sample Reservation, only a warning is shown in Add and Mod batches.

Warnings for Sample Data Changes in Change ID batches

To change a specimen's BSI ID, Sample ID, or Sequence, create a Change ID batch. Keep in mind that a BSI ID, which is composed of a specimen's Sample ID followed by its Sequence, must be unique for each specimen. If you change a specimen's BSI ID to an existing BSI ID, you will receive errors during the commit process and the commit will fail.

Sample fields, such as Date Drawn, Subject ID or Visit, are tracked by Sample ID. In other words, these fields must have the same values for each specimen record with the same Sample ID. If you add a new Sample ID to two or more specimen records with different Sample IDs, BSI will use the sample data from the first record listed in the batch. If you update a specimen to use an existing Sample ID, the sample data for the existing Sample ID will not change.

In a Change ID batch, a warning is shown if any BSI ID is changed to a Sample ID value that already exists in BSI and there is a conflict in sample fields. The warning lists the conflicts in sample data. BSI IDs are updated when you commit the batch. The specimens are added to the existing Sample record, but no sample data is changed.