Data Entry Subject data tools


Data Entry Subject Data Tools

Add Subject Data

When creating data entry Add batches for specimens that are assigned a Study ID for which subject attributes have been defined on the database, the additional subject data can be added through the data entry batch.  Subject Attributes are defined within the Subject module.

To add subject data in a data entry Add batch:

  1. Select the rows that represent the subject's specimen data.

  2. Select Create/Edit Subject from the Tools menu or press the Create/Edit Subject button.  The Subject Editor will open for the selected Subject Ids.

      • If the Create/Edit Subject menu item or button is not enabled, check that the Study ID and Subject ID fields are entered correctly for the selected specimens and that the Study has the Generated Format listed in its Subject Attributes page.

  3. Enter subject data.

  4. Select Save from the File menu or the Save button to save the subject data to the database.

    • Subject data is added to the database at the time the Subject Editor is saved, not when the data entry batch is committed.  If data has been added for subjects that do not exist, they must be deleted through the Subject Manager.

Find Subject ID

While creating a data entry batch, it can be convenient to search for a specific Subject Id and its Subject Attribute fields to retrieve a specific Subject Id to see if it exists already.  Subject attributes must be defined in the study in order to use this tool.  

To find a Subject Id:

  1. Highlight a single row of interest that contains a Study Id.  

  2. Select Find Subject IDs from the Tools menu or the Find Subject ID icon on the toolbar. The Find Subject Ids dialog appears.

  3. Enter the Universal Subject ID, Subject Id and/or the corresponding attributes into the text fields.

  4. Select the Report button to find the Subject Id or select Cancel to exit the dialog without finding an Id. When Report is selected, the Select Subject Id dialog appears.  If the user does not have study permissions for the study entered, then an message stating that the subjects cannot be viewed will appear.

  5. The following options are available:

    • Select Edit to make changes to the Subject Attributes.

    • Select Generate to generate the next available Subject Id. The next Subject Id will follow the same rules outlined in Generate Subject IDs.

    • Select OK to enter the selected Subject Id in the Subject Id field.

    • Select Cancel to close the dialog and return to the editor.

Generate Subject IDs

Use the Generate Subject IDs tool to generate Subject IDs for a given Study ID.  Subject attributes must be defined in the study in order to use this tool.  

To generate Subject IDs:

  1. Before Subject IDs can be generated, the generated format must be defined for the Study ID of interest.
  2. Highlight the rows of interest. The rows must have the same Study ID. Users will be asked to select the rows again if the selection contains multiple studies.
  3. Select Generate Subject IDs from the Tools menu or the Generate Subject Ids icon on the toolbar.
    • Capital letters in the format will remain static.
    • Lowercase letters in the format will increment.
    • All numerals in the format will increment.
    • Special characters in the format will remain static.