Task Reports


Task Reports

Task reports can be generated for some tasks.  The available reports for a task will be displayed under the Reports option in the task's column header menu. Highlighted vials with the task applied, completed or begun on them will be included in the report. Reports can be generated for:

Discrepancy Task Report

A Discrepancy Task Report can be generated from the Reports option on the Discrepancy Task column header menu.

The Discrepancy Task Report will vary by database but generally contains a header section with requisition and task data including the Date Report Sent and Date Resolution Received. The report also contains a table with information for each specimen record including:

  • BSI ID
  • Current Label
  • Date Resolved – the date the Discrepancy Task was completed for that specimen record
  • BSI Value
  • Observed Value

Generic Task Report

A Task Specimen Order Report can be printed from the Reports option on the Generic task’s column header menu. The report will display location data and other specimen information for selected specimens in the Requisition editor.

Investigate Task Report

A Task Specimen Order Report can be printed from the Reports option on the Investigate task’s column header menu.  The report will display location data and other specimen information for selected specimens in the Requisition editor.

Microarray Task Report

A Microarray Layout Map can be printed from the Reports option on the task’s column header menu. The layout map will display a two-dimensional representation of the microarray. This option is only available after cores have been created. The Microarray Layout Map represents cores in the microarray by displaying the BSI ID or barcode of specimens within the microarray.

To print a microarray layout map:

  1. Choose Reports on the task's column header menu.
  2. Select either Print Microarray Layout Map or Print Microarray Layout Map with Planning Column.
  3. Choose to view the map "Barcoded" or "Not Barcoded" in the Select Lab Report dialog. Press OK.
  4. If "Barcoded" was selected, choose a barcode format from the Select Barcode Format dialog. If "Not Barcoded" was selected, the Select Output Type dialog will be displayed. Select one of the following output types:
    • PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format)
    • TXT (comma-delimited text file)
    • TXT (tab-delimited text file)
    • HTML (for web browser)
  5. Press OK. The Microarray Layout Map will be generated in .pdf format ("Barcoded") or the chosen output type ("Not Barcoded")

Pull Task Report

A Pull Specimen Report can be printed from the Reports option on the Pull task's column header menu.  The report will display location data and other specimen information for selected specimen in the Requisition editor.

The Export CodeReader Pull List option can be selected from the Pull task header menu. Selecting this option prompts the user to choose which specimen fields will be exported. After fields are chosen, the exported file can be saved and later uploaded to CodeReader.

Relabel Task Reports

A Relabel worksheet report can be run by selecting Print Relabel Report from the task's column header menu.  This provides users with a printout of the Relabel task that consists of a table displaying BSI ID, Current Label, and blank field for the New Label.  There is also a Details column on the report which is a space for handwritten comments.  When selecting this option, users will be prompted to select a print range. There are three choices.

  • The first is to print the relevant selected rows - this will print those rows that the user has highlighted that have this task either Applied, Completed, or Marked as Redo.
  • The second choice of print ranges is to print only those rows within the selection which have a task status of Completed.
  • The third choice is to print rows within the selection that have a task status of either Completed or Applied.

Return To Inventory Task Report

A Return to Inventory Report can be printed from the Reports option on the task's column header menu.  This report prints information from specific columns for aiding in returning the specimens to inventory and may vary by database.  When selecting this option, users will be prompted to select a print range. There are three choices.

  • The first is to print the relevant selected rows - this will print those rows that the user has highlighted that have this task either Applied, Completed, or Marked as Redo.
  • The second choice of print ranges is to print only those rows within the selection which have a task status of Completed.
  • The third choice is to print rows within the selection that have a task status of either Completed or Applied.

Ship Task Report

A Ship Task Report and Shipping Document Report can be printed from the Reports option on the task's column header menu.

The Shipping Document Report prints shipping and specimen information and may vary by database.  When this report is selected users will be given an option to print vials which have this task Completed or either Applied or Completed.

The Ship Task Report prints a report that is similar to the Shipping Document except that task information, such as task date and instructions, as well as BSI ID are included in addition to the fields listed in the shipping document.   When selecting this option, users will be prompted to select a print range. There are three choices.

  • The first is to print the relevant selected rows - this will print those rows that the user has highlighted that have this task either Applied, Completed, or Marked as Redo.
  • The second choice of print ranges is to print only those rows within the selection which have a task status of Completed.
  • The third choice is to print rows within the selection that have a task status of either Completed or Applied.