These reports access the Audit Trail to trace histories.
Customization Field History
A chronological record of changes to customizable fields via the Customization module. This report displays Field set (the type of field), Field Name, Field Property, Previous Value, New Value, Date Modified, and Modified By.
Customization Verifier History
A chronological record of changes to customizable verifiers via the Customization module. This report displays Field set (the type of verifier), Verifier Name, Verifier Property which changed (Ex: Name, Criteria), Previous Value, New Value, Modified By, and Date Modified.
Data Dictionary
A detailed data dictionary containing information on available fields. Users may search on all fields in a table. Data returned includes: Created By, Date Created, Date Last Modified, Field Label, Field Name (underscore name used by the system and in web services calls), Display Order, Description, Field Type, Is Active, Is Required, Length, Code List, and Table (Sample, Vial, Batch, etc.).
Requisition Detailed History
Detailed record of actions performed within a requisition (such as status changes, and the application/removal of tasks). Sorted by Date Modified.
Requisition History
Simple record of actions performed within a requisition (such as saving and submitting). Sorted by Date Modified.
Sample History
Chronological listing of changes to a sample, sorted by Sample ID and Date Modified (recent changes last), including the User Id of the user who last modified the item. For changes to specimens, see the Vial History report.
Unified History
Combined listing of changes to samples and specimens that match a user-defined search, including the User Id of the user who last modified the item. Sorted by Sample ID, Sequence, Date Modified, and Field Name.
Vial History
Chronological listing of changes to a specimen, sorted by BSI ID and Date Modified (recent changes last), including the User Id of the user who last modified the item. For changes to samples, see the Sample History report.
Patient Consent History
A record of actions performed in the Patient Consent module. Sorted by Study, Subject ID, Field Name, and Date Modified.
PHI Access
A record of PHI information accessed through the client. Displays the User ID, Subject ID, date PHI was accessed, and the field accessed.
PHI History Access
A record of any PHI information viewed by a user by reporting on history of PHI. Displays the user who accessed the history and some non-PHI information about the data viewed by the user.
Subject History
A record of actions performed in the Subjects module. The report is sorted by Study, Subject ID, Field Name, and Date Modified.
Subject Field Choices History
A record of changed made to the Subject Field Choices. This report is sorted by Date Modified, Field and Subject Field Choices ID.
Template History
A chronological listing of changes to templates. This report is sorted by Timestamp and Item ID, with the most recent changes listed last.
Vial Movement History
A chronological record of changes to specimen locations. This report is sorted by Date Modified, with the most recent changes appearing first.
Detailed Inventory List
Specimen listing, containing the basic specimen fields plus Subject ID and Date Drawn from the sample table. Sorted on BSI ID.
Location Reservation
Listing of reserved boxes sorted by Batch ID, Freezer, Rack, and Box.
Unoccupied Vial Space
Lists counts of the available and occupied specimen locations for containers. Search parameters include the minimum and maximum number of unoccupied spaces. This report only returns accurate counts or box slots if there are no duplicate locations.
Specimen Counts for Subject IDs by Material Type
Lists counts of specified material types by Subject ID. This report allows users to set the order in which the material type counts appear.
Review List Discrepancy Report
Lists all of the discrepancies found in Review Lists specified by the search. The report is sorted by Review List ID and displays the Date Created, Status, Date Completed, Created by, and Notes then lists each discrepant item in the Review List. It displays the discrepant item's List Item ID, Discrepancy Status, Discrepancy Text, Resolution, Authorized by, Resolved by, Performed by, and Date Resolved.
Location of Out Specimens Frequency Report
Displays a count of specimens from the latest completed requisition Ship task for specimens with an "Out" Vial Status. It displays Material Type, Requisition ID, Task Destination, PI Name, and Count. It is sorted by Material Type then Requisition ID.
Location of Out Specimens Listing Report
Shows the last location of specimens with a status of "Out", in list format. This report lists Requisition ID, BSI ID, Study ID, Material Type, Task Date, PI Name, Task Destination, Address, Phone, and Email. It is is sorted by Requisition ID then BSI ID.
First BSI ID for Sample
Displays the first BSI ID (lowest Sequence) for all Sample IDs returned by the search.
Sample and Vial Count
Gives a count of specimens and samples within each study within each repository. Sorted by Repository, then Study ID.
Sample Reservation Ranges
Gives information on the selected sample reservation batches. Sample IDs are condensed into ranges by Study ID.
Combination ID for Pooled Vials
Lists the Combination ID and BSI IDs for vials pooled in an Aliquot task.
Microarray Core Details
Detailed information on Array Core vials in a microarray. This report displays Requisition ID, Task ID, Microarray BSI ID, Core BSI ID, Microarray Row, Microarray Column, Parent ID, Subject ID, Date Drawn, Material Type, and Study ID. Sorted by Requisition ID, then Task ID.
Requisition Discrepancy Report
Lists requisition and counts of discrepancies for particular fields, as well as information about each individual discrepancy. This report is sorted by the BSI ID.
Requisition Overview
Reports on applications of requisition tasks to vials. Gives a sum of volumes for each set of vials with the same Study ID and the same task applied. Also gives other statistics, such as a list of tests for each task.
Current Station
Reports the current station, Requisition ID, time in queue and number of vials with an active or completed status. This report is sorted by station.
Station Processing Time
Reports the requisition task processing time for a station. This report is sorted by station.
Confirmation of Shipment Receipt
Prints the Received Status and Condition of a shipment along with a shipment summary and contact information related to the Shipment's Center.
Shipment Discrepancy Report
Lists all of the discrepancies found in shipments specified by the search. Displays discrepant specimen's BSI ID, Subject ID, and Current Label, along with the discrepancy field and notes.
View Study Access
Users will be able to search on Study ID and will receive a list of users with a column indicating if they have access to the study.