Report Tabs


Reports Tabs

The report editor is the interface for specifying a single report in the system. It has a tab interface to allow users to specify the properties of a report. The tabs available will depend upon the type of report selected.

The properties for a report can be saved and then loaded into another report at a later time. When loading the properties for a report, the same type of report that was used to save the properties should also be used to load them.

  • Save the properties for a report by selecting Export Properties from the File menu. Users will be prompted to select a location and name for the file.
  • Load the properties for a report by selecting Import Properties from the File menu. Report properties can be loaded across databases.

For date fields, there are several relative date options available for searching. You can select: Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow, This Week, Last Week, Next Week, This Month, Last Month, Next Month, This Year, Last Year, or Next Year.

Entering a relative date as search criteria will change the range of time being searched on each time you run the report.

For example: If you create a report searching on “Date Entered = Yesterday”, then when you run the report tomorrow your results will show items entered today.

General Tab

On the General tab, enter the following information about the report:

  • Report Type – Automatically lists the type of report that the user elected to create. This field is not editable.

  • Output Type – All options are available for user-defined reports. Standard reports may be limited to less output types. Select one of the following output types from the drop-down menu:

    • Interactive Table – Reports of this type are opened in a BSI table and include general options available for tables, such as printing labels

      • For frequency reports, the count of all highlighted rows will be added together and shown as the “Sum” in the lower right corner.

    • PDF file – Reports of this type will have the instance and user name next to the database name in the footer. 

    • Comma-delimited text file – A user preference exists which sets the output file of this type as either .csv or .txt. Reports of this type will have the database, instance and username in the header. 

    • Tab-delimited text file - Reports of this type will have the database, instance and username in the header. 

    • HTML file - Reports of this type will have the instance and username next to the database name in the footer. 

  • Title – Type a descriptive title for the report in the text box. The title will appear on the report document.

  • Description – Type a brief description of the report in the text box.

  • Display Search Criteria in Report Output –This checkbox will display the search criteria in the output file of any non-interactive table report type. This checkbox applies to both standard and user-defined reports, but not to interactive table output types.

  • Remove Default Header Rows in Delimited Reports – If checked, this checkbox will remove the default header rows for the report. It will not remove any rows added as a result of checking the Display Search Criteria box and it is only selectable when Output Type is Tab-delimited or Comma-delimited text file. 


Display Tab

On the Display tab, select the data to see on the report and the order in which this data will be displayed.

Only a limited number of fields and formatted fields may be added.  Some specimen data, such as Material Type or Freezer, is stored unformatted as a code.  For instance, the material type Serum is stored as B1.  Users can elect to display these fields as formatted (Serum), or as the unformatted code (B1).  If users exceed the maximum number of formatted fields when executing the report, try clearing the Format values check box for some of these fields. Users can also customize if they want modifiers to be separated.

Under the Display tab in the User Editor of UDLs, the Hide Empty Fields checkbox allows users to hide field columns from the display view of the report if there are no values in any row for that column.

To select display fields:

  1. Select one of the following field types from the drop-down menu on the left. Users may add fields from multiple field types.
    • Select Specimen Fields – Fields that pertain to specimens.
    • Select Requisition Fields – Fields that pertain to requisitions.
    • Select Kit Fields – Fields that pertain to Kits.
    • Select Results Fields – Fields that pertain to Results.
    • Select Shipments Fields – Fields that pertain to Shipments.
    • Select Study Fields – Fields that pertain to Studies.
    • Select User Fields – Fields that pertain to Users.
    • Code Lists – Fields that pertain to Code Lists.
    • Select Patient Consent Tables – Fields that pertain to Patient Consent.
    • Select Run Data Set Tables – Fields that pertain to Run Data Sets. 
    • Select Subject Tables – Fields that pertain to Subjects.
    • Select Procedure Run Tables – Fields that pertain to Procedure Run Tables.
    • General Database Tables – Fields that pertain to General Database Tables.
    • Select All Database Fields – Lists directories containing fields for each table in the database.
  2. A list of available fields will appear below the drop-down menu. Click on a field to highlight it or highlight multiple fields by holding down the Ctrl key when selecting.
  3. Use the > arrow to move the selected fields into the Selected Fields list. The >> arrow moves the entire list of fields into the Selected Fields list. Alternately, drag the field to the Display column and drop it.

To remove fields from the Selected Fields list:

  1. Click on a field to highlight it or highlight multiple fields by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting.
  2. Use the < arrow to remove the highlighted fields from the Selected Fields list.  The << arrow removes the entire list of fields from the Selected Fields list.

To change the order of the selected field:

  1. Click on a field to highlight it or highlight multiple fields by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting.
  2. Use the Up or Down button to move the selected field or fields within the list.

To change how a selected field is formatted:

  1. Click on a formatted field in the Selected Fields list to highlight it.
  2. To display the field’s data as an unformatted code, clear the Format values check box.
  3. To display the field’s data as formatted, select the Format values check box.

To customize how to display modifiers:

  1. Select a modifier field (Vial Warnings, Vial Modifiers, etc) in the Selected Fields list.
  2. Select the Format values check box to display labels instead of codes.
  3. Select Separate modifiers to show a separate column for each modifier code.  The column header will show the modifier name (e.g. Comments). Select Display modifier type to show the modifier field name in addition to the modifier name in the column header (e.g. Vial Modifier Comments).


On the Sort tab, fields can be selected to determine the sort order of data returned by the report.  The default sort direction is ascending.  Select the Format Values check box to sort by a field’s formatted values. This tab is only available for a user-defined listing report. 

To select fields to sort by:

  1. From the list of available fields on the left, click on a field to highlight it or highlight multiple fields by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting.
  2. Use the > arrow to move the highlighted fields into the Selected Fields list.  The >> arrow moves the entire list of fields into the Selected Fields list.  Alternately, drag the field to the Sort column and drop it. Data will be sorted by the fields in the order they are listed from top to bottom.
To change the sort priority of the selected fields:
  1. Click on a field to highlight it or highlight multiple fields by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting.
  2. Use the Up or Down button to move the selected field or fields within the list.
To sort a field in descending order:
  1. In the Selected Fields list, click on a field to highlight it or highlight multiple fields by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting.
  2. Select the Descending check box at the bottom of this tab.  “(DESCENDING)” will appear next to the fields that are sorted in descending order.