You can always access your account information by clicking the profile link on the top right side of the screen. To change your account information, simply type the new information in the fields, then click Update Account. An anonymous user viewing their account information will only see that they are logged on as "anonymous".

- Verify My Email – This link appears if your email address has not yet been verified by Squish. Clicking it will send an email to you with a link to verify your account.
- First Name and Last Name - Your full name appears in many user lists. Therefore, you should enter the name by which most people know you. You may change these names at any time as needed. Each name can be up to 100 characters in length.
- E-mail Address - You must supply Squish with a valid e-mail address. Depending on project and personal settings, Squish may automatically send users a number of e-mail messages, so it is important that this address be one which you check on a regular basis.
- Organization – This field is optional. If a value is entered, that value will appear in parenthesis after the user’s name anywhere in Squish that their name is found. On pages where hovering over a user’s name opens a popup dialog, the Organization value will be displayed in the pop up instead.
- Password - Your Password provides some security to your username. Since you cannot change your username, it is important to change your password regularly and to keep it confidential.
On the right side of the screen, your private user key is available, as well as a link to regenerate it. Another link leads to documentation regarding available API methods. Any API keys associated with your account will be displayed here also. Under Project Memberships is a list of every project which your account has access to, including links to each project's home page.
From the My Account screen you can also:
- Add or change a Profile Picture
- Edit your Display Preferences
- Edit your Date/Time Preferences
- Edit your Issue Preferences
- Edit your Notification Preferences
To enter or change a profile picture, you have several options:
- Custom image (upload below) - An image can be uploaded directly to Squish.
- Use Gravatar image - To select this option, you must have an account at When you are setting up your account, you must use the email address that is used for your Squish account to have the profile picture appear in your account.
- None (use the default image) - This option uses a blank default image for your profile.
Once you have an account, follow the directions on the web site to select the image file you want to use on your profile. This can be an image from the web or one you have stored on your computer. You can browse to select the image. The image may take several minutes to appear in Squish.
You can also deactivate your account via the Deactivate My Account button at the bottom of the page. Once inactive, only an administrator can reactivate your account.