The Company page allows you to see and manage your work across multiple projects within your organization. The collapsible menu allows all users to access a company-wide summary of their activities, a timeline of their recent activities, and a list of projects to which they have access. Company administrators have some additional menu options available.
Issue Activity Page
Clicking the company name from the menu bar on any page will take you to the Issue Activity company page. This page displays a table listing the user's recent activity. The table displays columns for Project, Issue ID, Subject, Assigned To, and Date Modified, as well as a column listing values for Issue Type, Milestone, and Priority if there are any. Each issue being following by the user also displays a link to Unwatch the issue. Selecting the Edit This Page button opens a panel with filter options to narrow the activities shown. The following filters can be set:
- Show either resolved, unresolved, or all issues.
- Include issues meeting any or all of these criteria: assigned to, submitted by, updated by, and/or watched by the current user.
- Group issues using their project or the date last modified. Users may also opt not to group issues at all.
- Show issues last modified in the last X number of days.
- Limit issues to one or more selected projects. If no selections are made, the page includes issues in all projects the user has access to.
Company Timeline
The Company Timeline provides a linked list of all changes the user made to issues on a daily basis, across all projects the user accesses. The user can select the time period they wish to view, the projects to include, and the types of updates they want to see, including:
- Submitted issues
- Updates to issues
- Resolutions to issues
- Wiki updates
To filter the timeline, make your selections and click on the Update button. Results will be grouped by day and displayed starting with the most recent changes.
At the top of the timeline, a Show as table button is available. When selected, a pop-up opens displaying a table with counts of each selected update type per project.
Available Projects
Click the Projects icon in the Header, then select See All Projects. The page that opens will display all projects within your company that you have access to view, either because you are a member or because the project allows access to all company members. Next to each project name are the owner/contact for the project, the number of members and the total number of issues.
If you click a project name, you will be taken to the Homepage for that project. Clicking the name of the project owner opens a dialog where you can send a notification email to the project owner. The Filter dialog allows you to filter listed projects by name, short name, and owner.
There is also a link to Request a New Project, which allows you to enter the proposed name of the new project, a description, and select a project to model the new one on, if desired. A notification will be sent to the company administrator detailing your request.
The News page displays a chronological list of current and past announcements made by the Squish Team. The first time you login after a new News item is available, a banner will open at the bottom of Squish which displays the details.