Automatic Squish Emails
Depending on project settings and user settings, email generated by Squish may be sent as follows:
- Members whose roles have Manager permissions may receive email when a new issue has been submitted.
- Members receive email when an issue is assigned to them.
- Members who have placed an issue on their Watch List may receive email when the issue is updated.
- The assigned members may receive email every time an issue is updated.
- Members may receive emails whenever they enter or update and issue.
The email is sent from a generic Squish address. Replies will be directed to the person listed as the contact person in the project settings. The email will contain a short message about the event that prompted it, and a link to the relevant issue detail page. The fields included in the email are set on the Issue Types screen.
From time to time, administrative messages concerning the Squish system may be sent as well.
Sending Emails
The Email function allows you to compose and send an email message to other Squish users from issues. The notification dialog opens when you click Email on the issue bar on the issue detail page. Use the Notify function when you have made changes to an issue that you want to update at the same time you send an automatic email.
Note: The notification dialog can also be opened by clicking on the user in the Assigned to columns of any issue lists. If you open the notification dialog from a user's name, the user is automatically selected as a recipient in the To column.
- The From field displays the name of the sender; however, emails are sent from a generic Squish address. Recipients of your message will be able to reply to the email address stipulated in your account but cannot see it.
- The Recipient list is filled by selecting from a list of project members and groups who are possible recipients of emails for the issue.
- The Subject field is automatically filled with the project name, issue number and email originator when you open the mailer window, but you may edit it as you choose.
- The Message field is automatically filled with "Your attention is requested on issue # _" and the issue name when you open the mailer window. You can edit or add to the message as you choose by keying in your message.
- Check the box next to Also post the text above as a comment on this issue if you would like the text from the message box to be added to the issue as a comment.
- Click the Send Email button to send the message or click Cancel to not send it. The email window closes when the message is sent or canceled and the issue remains visible.
The Recipient list is filled by selecting from a list of users and groups who are possible recipients of emails for the issue.
For some issue types and projects, users may be able to email Squish to create new issues or comment on existing issues.