Editing Specimens in Tables


Mass Change & Change Values

Use the Mass Change feature to change multiple values within a single column or the Change Values feature to change values for multiple rows and multiple columns simultaneously.

In a Data Entry Add batch, using either of these tools to update Sample IDs can cause already entered sample level data to be updated. If this would happen, then a Sample Data Changed! dialog will open. The dialog shows the changes which will be made and provides an option to continue with the change, or to cancel the change. The ability to continue with changing Sample data on this dialog is controlled by a permission, so if a user does not have this permission, the button to continue will not be active.

Alternatively, you can edit multiple rows at one time by copying a single value, then select multiple cells and paste the copied value into all selected cells.

To implement a mass change in a single column:

  1. Select the row(s) to edit.
  2. Right click in the header of the column to change.
  3. Select Mass Change from the menu that appears.  The Change Selected Vials dialog will open.  At the top of this dialog is the name of the column you are updating and the number of vials selected. Mass Change dialog
  4. Select from one of the following options: Mass Change Options
    1. Set Value - changes selected fields to the value entered in the adjacent text box.
      • If the column is linked to a code list, there will be a button next to the Set Value option.  Press this button to open a dialog listing the available codes.  Select the desired value from the list and press OK to enter that value in the Mass Change dialog.
      • If the selected column is an attachment field, this will be the only available option. Press the code list button to select the attachment(s) to be uploaded to all rows.
    2. Increment by - increments selected fields by the value entered in the adjacent text box.
    3. Increment range - increments selected fields by a specified Increment value beginning with the specified Start value.  If a data entry field is selected from the Break group drop-down menu, fields will be incremented until the value of the break group changes.  The field in the following row will receive the Start value and incrementation will occur until the next new break group value is found and so on.  Note: A negative value in the Increment text box will decrement the original value.
    4. Append to value - Appends the value entered in the adjacent text box to the selected fields.
  5. Press the OK button to change the value in the selected fields or press Cancel to close this dialog without changing values.
Hold down the Shift key on the keyboard while selecting OK to automatically launch the Mass Change dialog for the next highlighted column.

To implement a mass change in multiple columns via the Change Values option:

  1. Select the columns and row(s) to edit.
  2. Right click in the header of one of the columns to change.
  3. Select Change Values.Change Values
    • If the field is linked to a code list, double click the empty field to show the code selection button "...". Press this button to open a dialog listing available codes and select the desired value. Press OK.
    • If the field is linked to a calendar, double click the empty field to show the calendar widget button. Press this button to open the calendar widget , then select the date to be entered. Press OK.
    • If the selected field is an attachment type, double click the empty field to show the code list icon. Press this button to open a dialog where you can manage attachments to be added to all selected rows.
    • The Change Values dialog will display each highlighted column as a field. Input values in the empty space next to each field.Change Values dialog
  4. Press the OK button to change the value in the selected fields or press Cancel to close this dialog without changing values. Press Help to open the User's Guide.

Upload and Download Attachments

Users can upload and download documentation for batches, specimens, subjects, requisitions,  requisition tasks, shipments, and studies. Users can upload multiple files at a time from within the editors and dialogs they are working on. Users need the permission to upload and download documents.

To upload and download documentation from properties:

  1. Select this option from one of the following:
    • Data Entry Batches - in the Batch Properties dialog
    • Requisition - in the Requisition Properties dialog and task property editors
    • Shipments - in the Shipment Properties dialog
    • Studies - in the Studies Properties dialog
  2. Select the Ellipsis (...) button next to the Attachment field.
  3. In the Attachments dialog, select Upload to attach a file to the batch or study.Upload Attachments
  4. To download an attachment, select the file, then press the Save button. The Open button will open the file without saving it. 
  5. Highlight the file to save it.  Select Save. Select OK to use the file.
  6. To delete the file, highlight the file and select Delete. Select Yes to confirm the deletion or No to cancel deletion and exit the dialog.

To upload and download documentation from editors:

  1. Select from one of the following:
    • Data Entry Batches - in the batch editors
    • Requisition - in the requisition editor
    • Shipments - in the shipment editor
  2. Double-click on the Attachment field.
  3. Select the Ellipsis (...) button next to the field.Ellipsis button
  4. In the Attachments dialog, select Upload to attach a file to the batch or study.
  5. To download documentation, select the document, then press Save. The Open button will open the document without saving it.

Choose Values from a Code List

Some fields on tables used for data entry allow users to select values from a code list.  Modifiers describe a specimen, material or sample.  Since multiple modifier codes may be assigned to a record and some modifier codes can be given values, the Select Codes dialog works differently for modifier fields.

To choose values from a code list:

  1. Double-click in the cell of a field containing a code list.  An Ellipsis (...) button will appear in the cell.Values from Code Lists
  2. Press the Ellipsis button.  A Select Codes dialog will appear.Select Codes
  3. Click on a value to highlight it.  You can use the Filter feature at the bottom of the Select Codes dialog to narrow the values list.
  4. Press the OK button.  The highlighted value will appear in the cell on the Data Entry Editor.
To choose modifier values:
  1. Double-click in the cell of a modifier field.  An Ellipsis (...) button will appear in the cell.
  2. Press the Ellipsis button.  A Select Modifiers dialog will appear.  There will be an Available Modifiers section at the top of the dialog and a Selected Modifiers section at the bottom.  A Value field at the top right is enabled if the selected modifier requires a value.Modifier Values
  3. Select the modifier to be added in the Available Modifiers section.  The Filter directly under the table can be used to narrow the list of modifiers displayed.
  4. If the selected modifier requires a value, the Value field will be enabled.  Enter a value before adding the modifier to the Selected Modifiers section. The character limit for Sample and Vial Modifiers is 255.
  5. Add the modifier to the Selected Modifiers section by pressing the Add to Selected button.  The modifier should appear in the bottom table.
    • If you wish to remove a modifier that has been added to the Selected Modifiers section, select the modifier and press the Remove button.
    • To remove all modifiers from the Selected Modifiers section, press the Clear button.
  6. When all of the modifiers to be added are listed in the Selected Modifiers section, press OK to exit the dialog and add them to the field.  Or press Cancel to exit the Select Modifiers dialog without adding any modifiers.

Note: Modifiers with a status of Inactive will not appear as options in the code list. If you import or type in an inactive modifier code, then a warning will appear in the data entry batch. Users can still report on Inactive modifiers.

Calendar Widget

The calendar widget provides a graphic interface that allows the user to specify a date. This feature is available in many forms and dialogs in BSI. Dates may be entered by using the calendar widget or by typing the date and time directly into the field in the form:

mm/dd/yyyy 0000

To use the Calendar Widget:

  1. Click on the Calendar button next to the date field.  A calendar will be displayed directly below the field that defaults to the current month and year.Calendar Button

  2. Select the desired month from the drop-down menu or using the up and down arrows.

  3. Select the desired year by using the up and down arrows, or by typing the year directly into the field.

  4. Once the month and year are correctly set, click on the button representing the day.  The selected date will be entered into the dialog.

User editable fields in BSI that include time can be manually edited. Users can leave a space following the date, then type the time as four numeric characters to edit the field and the system will automatically place a colon in the middle of the time. Once an editable date field that includes time is manually altered and saved, the data will not be overridden by adding discrepancies, importing data and using the date widget.

Data Entry Form

When a user selects a single specimen or an empty location in Locations and chooses the right-mouse button options to Edit Specimen or Add Specimen respectively, a Data Entry form launches. This form can also be toggled to from the Data Entry editor.  This default can be changed in the Data Entry preferences.

To use the Data Entry form:

  1. In the Basic tab, fill in the required fields, shown in red. Data Entry Form
  2. In the Additional tab, enter any other information, if needed. Fields hidden in the data entry editor will be listed under this tab.
  3. To revert to the table editor, select the Open in Editor button. A warning notifies the user that it will not be possible to return to this form after switching. Select Yes to continue entering data in the table editor or No to return to the form without any changes.
  4. Select the Commit button to commit data. Select Cancel to close the form.

To change from the default template:

  1. Select the Change Template button. Change Template
  2. In the Select a Template dialog, select the desired template. Select OK to use the template. Select Cancel to close the dialog without any changes. Select Output Type

To print the specimen created:

  1. Select the Print button on the toolbar. Print Specimen
  2. In the Select Output Type dialog, select the output type. Select OK to use display the output type. Select Cancel to exit the dialog without making any changes. Select Output Type
  3. Print the document.

To print an error report:
  1. Select the Print Errors Report button on the toolbar. Print Error Report
  2. In the Select Output Type dialog, select the output type. Select OK to use display the output type. Select Cancel to exit the dialog without making any changes. Select Output Type
  3. Print the document.

To print labels:

  1. Select the Print Labels button on the toolbar. Print labels
  2. In the Printing Labels dialog, a message at the top will specify how many labels are being printed, which should match the number of rows highlighted. Select the Ellipsis (...) button next to the Label Spec or enter directly the path for the label to print. Printing Labels
  3. In the Select a Label Format dialog, select the label of interest and press OK.  Select Cancel to exit the dialog without selecting a label.
  4. In the Printing Labels dialog, select a printer by selecting the Ellipsis (…) button next to the Printer field (this will show a list of printers). Highlight a printer and select OK.
  5. To use the Local Printer configuration (instead of selecting a printer), select the check box next to “Use Local Printer Configuration”. If selected, the labels will be sent to the Label Printer selected in the Configuration dialog (Tools/Configure).
  6. Select Print to print the label or Cancel to exit the dialog without printing a label.
  7. The Advanced button allows for different methods of label generation. If selected, the Label Field Assignment dialog will open, listing each label field in the template with drop down menus to re-map the source data for each.  In the Printing Label dialog the following tools can be used to enter label data:
    • Import Label Data - This option will open the Importer Wizard.
    • Generate BSI ID Labels - This option will open the Generate BSI IDs dialog. Printing - Advanced Button
  8. From this dialog, select a Printer by clicking the ellipsis next to the Printer field, to print the labels select Print Labels from the File menu or the icon.
  9. From this dialog, select Print Labels from the File menu or the icon to print the labels.
  10. For more information on printing labels in BSI, see Labels.

Comments Field

A Comments field is present in the Data Entry Editor and in the Shipment Editor.  Both fields link to the same Comments table.  

To add a comment:

  1. Click in the Comment field and then click the ellipsis button.
  2. Enter the comment in the box on the Comment dialog and then either click OK to save the comment or Cancel to close the dialog without saving. Any Previous Comments will be shown at the top of the dialog.Comments Table

A history report can be run for the Comments field in the Reports Manager. The history includes when the field was edited, by whom, the date and time of the edit, and the new and old values for the field.

The Restrict on Study checkbox at the bottom of the dialog, if marked, will restrict viewing of the comment to users with permissions for the study. The Notify Users checkbox, if marked, will notify users who previously made comments of the new comment.

Save and Close an Editor

To save and close an Editor window, press the "X" in the upper right corner of the window, select Close from the File menu or press Alt+F4. The Save Changes dialog will open. Select Yes to save changes, No to close without saving the changes or Cancel to exit the dialog and return to the Editor without saving.

To save without closing the Editor, select the Save icon in the toolbar.save and close editor