BSI Toolbar
Toolbars are present on most BSI editable tables, providing quick access to options available in that particular table. The available options will depend on which table is being accessed. For instance, the Data Entry batch toolbar will contain the Location Reservation tool, but the Requisition editor toolbar will not, since locations cannot be assigned via that tool in a requisition.
You can customize the toolbar to display additional options, hide icons, or rearrange the icon order. To do this, right click the empty part of the toolbar, then select Edit Toolbar.
Use the arrows and Up/Down buttons to adjust the displayed fields, you can also drag/drop options within the dialog. When finished, select OK to save the changes. Every time you open the same type of table again, the toolbar will match your customization. For instance, if you move the Data Entry batch Save icon to the far right, every subsequent batch you open will also show the button on the far right.
If you customize a toolbar, then decide you preferred the default configuration, you can right click the toolbar and select “Use Default Toolbar” to revert to the system default.