Study Property Templates


Study Property Templates

Permission is required to access and use the Study Property Templates sub-manager. Only System Administrators and Local Administrators can be given these permissions.

To create a Study Property Template:

  1. Select New. The New Study Property Template dialog will open.
  2. Fill in the fields:
    • Template Name - This field is required.
    • Description
    • Status – By default, the value will be “Draft”.
  3. Select OK. The user can then select which properties to display, which to hide, and enter default property values.
    • To display a property field, mark the checkbox next to it. Similarly, to hide a field from display to a user who selected this template, unmark the checkbox next to it.
    • Enter a default value for any property, even one which will be hidden, by manually entering a value or selecting from a codelist.
    • Attachment fields cannot be given a default value.
    • Some properties may already have database default values set when the editor is opened. These can be edited or removed.
  4. Once finished, Save the property templates

To view or edit a Study Property Template:

  1. Select the template to view or edit on the manager screen.
  2. Press the View/Edit button.
  3. Select OK.
    • If editing, users can hide/display a property by selecting the checkbox next to it. Users can also enter default property values. Save when editing is finished.
    • Users may edit properties associated with the Property Template by selecting Edit, then Template Properties.
    • Any new property fields added via Customization after the creation of a template will be hidden in the template by default.

To delete a Study Template:

Users may only delete Study Property Templates which have not been used while creating a study. After a template has been used, it can be deactivated via editing the Status property to have a value of “Inactive”.

  1. Select the template to delete on the manager screen.
  2. Press the Delete button. The Confirm dialog will open.
  3. Select Yes to confirm and delete the template or No to cancel and exit the dialog without deleting the template.

To activate a Study Template:

  1. Select a template to be activated on the manager screen. The status of the template cannot already be Active.
  2. Press the Activate button. The template will be activated.