Permission is required to access and use the Study Property Templates sub-manager. Only System Administrators and Local Administrators can be given these permissions.
To create a Study Property Template:
- Select New. The New Study Property Template dialog will open.
- Fill in the fields:
- Template Name - This field is required.
- Description
- Status – By default, the value will be “Draft”.
- Select OK. The user can then select which properties to display, which to hide, and enter default property values.
- To display a property field, mark the checkbox next to it. Similarly, to hide a field from display to a user who selected this template, unmark the checkbox next to it.
- Enter a default value for any property, even one which will be hidden, by manually entering a value or selecting from a codelist.
- Attachment fields cannot be given a default value.
- Some properties may already have database default values set when the editor is opened. These can be edited or removed.
- Once finished, Save the template.

To view or edit a Study Property Template:
- Select the template to view or edit on the manager screen.
- Press the View/Edit button.
- Select OK.
- If editing, users can hide/display a property by selecting the checkbox next to it. Users can also enter default property values. Save when editing is finished.
- Users may edit properties associated with the Property Template by selecting Edit, then Template Properties.
- Any new property fields added via Customization after the creation of a template will be hidden in the template by default.
To delete a Study Template:
Users may only delete Study Property Templates which have not been used while creating a study. After a template has been used, it can be deactivated via editing the Status property to have a value of “Inactive”.
- Select the template to delete on the manager screen.
- Press the Delete button. The Confirm dialog will open.
- Select Yes to confirm and delete the template or No to cancel and exit the dialog without deleting the template.
To activate a Study Template:
- Select a template to be activated on the manager screen. The status of the template cannot already be Active.
- Press the Activate button. The template will be activated.