Sample Reservations


Sample Reservations

The BSI system provides a utility to track sample reservation by study and user. This utility is used to reserve sample IDs for a specific purpose. The sample reservation utility employs the common manager and editor interface (similar to Data Entry) to allow users to mark specific Sample IDs as reserved.

Reservations made by study are enforced during data entry or requisition processing with edit checks. If no study is indicated in the reservation, the data in the reservation utility serves only as a reference and does not guarantee that the samples requested will not be used for other studies or by other investigators. It is up to the repository staff to enforce the reservations that have been requested by users. Users are expected to use only those samples which have been reserved and for their intended purpose as specified in the reservation listing.

Note: All users with permissions to access the Sample Reservations manager will be able to view all Sample Reservation batches in the database (including the Study for which Sample IDs are reserved). Users may only edit batches in their repository under the following circumstances:

  1. Batches created by the user
  2. Batches which have an Access Level of “Anyone”
  3. Batches which were created by a user in the same Institution as the user and which have an Access Level of “Anyone in Institution”.

Users must have permission to access this module.

Example: Dr. Heisenberg has just received a grant to study differences in lung tissue between those who smoke filtered versus unfiltered cigarettes.  In a short period of time, he is going to collect specimens from hundreds of subjects and would like to reserve Sample IDs in advance. In BSI, he uses the Sample Reservations manager to select a range of Sample IDs for his study.  He informs his staff about using the correct sample IDs and tells them that a warning will be given if a user accidently chooses a different study in a Data Entry batch.

Sample Reservations Editor

Open the Sample Reservations Editor to view a batch, create a new batch or edit data in an existing batch.  The Sample Reservations Editor contains a menu bar, a tool bar with buttons for commonly used operations, a data table, and a warnings and errors table.  

Each row in the data table represents one Sample ID.  Each Sample Reservation batch contains the columns Sample ID, Study ID and Subject ID.  Fields containing warnings are highlighted blue.  Fields containing errors are highlighted red.  Warnings and errors descriptions are displayed at the bottom of the editor.  Fields highlighted in dark grey cannot be edited.

Sample Reservations Batch Information Table

The Sample Reservations Manager contains a table with batch information.  Each row of the table contains the following information for one batch:

  • Sample Reservation ID - Batch ID assigned to the batch when it is first saved.  This is in the same format as a Data Entry batch ID, but begins with an S instead of a D.
  • Type - The type of batch:
    • Sample Reservation Add Batch - Adds sample reservations to the database.
    • Sample Reservation Modify Batch - Modifies existing sample reservations.
    • Sample Reservation Delete Batch - Deletes sample reservations.
  • Status - The current batch status.
  • Owner ID - The user who created the batch.
  • Requestor ID - The requestor ID assigned in the batch properties.
  • Num Samples - The number of Sample IDs in the batch.
  • Num Errors - The number of errors the batch contains.  Users can view error descriptions from the Sample Reservations Editor.
  • Num Warnings - The number of warnings that the batch contains.  Users can view warning descriptions from the Sample Reservations Editor.
  • Access Level - Either Anyone in institution or  Sample reservation owner only, depending on who has permission to edit the batch.  The access type is specified when setting batch properties.
  • Committed By - The user ID of the user who committed the batch.
  • Date Created - Date the batch was created.
  • Date Modified - Date the batch was last modified.
  • Date Committed - Date the batch was committed.
  • Description - A brief description entered by the batch owner when batch properties were specified.

As with other tables in BSI, users can organize batch information by sorting, rearranging and resizing columns.

Create a Sample Reservations Batch

To create a new batch:

  1. On the Sample Reservations Manager, press the New button.  The New Sample Reservation Batch dialog will open.New Button in Sample Reservations Manager
  2. Select the Type of batch:
    • Add Sample Reservations - To add sample reservations to the database.
    • Modify Sample Reservations - To modify existing sample reservations.
    • Delete Sample Reservations - To delete sample reservations from the database.New Sample Reservation Batch dialog
  3. Set the Access Level:
    • Owner - Only the user who creates the batch can edit, commit or delete the batch.
    • Institution members - All users that belong to the owner's institution and have permission can edit, commit or delete the batch.
    • All - All users with permission can edit, commit or delete the batch.
  4. A requester must be selected for all Sample Reservation batches. Assign a Requester by
    • Entering the user name in the text box next to Requested by or
    • Selecting the Ellipsis "..." button next to the Requested by text box and selecting the user from the Select Codes dialog that opens.
  5. Enter a Description for the batch.
  6. Select OK.  If the batch is an Add batch, the Sample Reservations Editor will open.  If the batch is a Modify or Delete batch, a Standard Search dialog will open that can be used to add previously reserved sample IDs to the batch.
  7. Save the batch. The batch can be saved and re-opened for editing. Once saved, the batch is assigned a batch ID.

View a Sample Reservations Batch

All users, regardless of permissions, can view batches.  In view mode, sample reservation data cannot be added or edited.

To view a batch:

  1. On the Sample Reservations Manager, locate the desired batch information.
  2. Click anywhere in a batch row to highlight it.
  3. Press the View button.  The Sample Reservations Editor will open in view mode containing the selected batch.View Button in Sample Reservations Editor

Edit a Sample Reservations Batch

Depending on the batch properties, which are set when a batch is created, a batch can be edited by the batch owner only, by anyone at the batch owner's institution, or by anyone.  Only batches that have not been committed or deleted can be edited.

To edit a batch:

  1. In the Sample Reservations Manager, locate the desired batch information.
  2. Click anywhere in a batch row to highlight it.
  3. Press the Edit button.  The Sample Reservations Editor will open in edit mode containing the selected batch.Edit Sample Reservations Batch

Edit Sample Reservation Batch Properties

Batch properties, which are set when you create a new batch, can be edited from  the Sample Reservations Editor.  Users can only edit properties for batches that have not been committed or deleted.

To edit batch properties:

  1. Open the desired batch in Edit mode.  The Sample Reservations Editor will open containing the selected batch.
  2. Select Properties from the File menu.  A Properties dialog will open.Sample Reservation Batch Properties
  3. Make changes and press OK to accept the changes and close the dialog.  Press Cancel to close the dialog without accepting changes.New Sample Reservation Batch

Edit Sample Data

Only batches with a status of "Saved, not committed" may be edited.  Sample ID, Study ID and Subject ID values can be edited in a Sample Reservation Add batch.  Only the Study ID and Subject ID columns can be edited in a Sample Reservation Modify batch.

To edit sample reservation data open a batch in Edit mode, place the cursor in the field to edit and begin typing.  The Study ID values can be selected from a code list.  To open this list simple double click in a field and press the Ellipsis (...) button that appears.  To add a value to the field, click on a value in the list to highlight it and then press the OK button.

Users can change multiple fields within a column via the Mass Change and Find and Replace options.

Data can be changed by importing a file and selecting the output fields and matching on Sample ID during the import.

Find Range

The Find Range tool in the Sample Reservation Editor will find the next unused and unreserved block of sample Ids.

To find an unused range of sample Ids:

  1. Select Find Range from the Tools menu or press the Find Range button.  The Find Sample ID Range dialog will open.Find range icon
  2. Enter the Sample ID to be used as the starting point for the search in the Starting Sample ID field.Sample ID Range dialog
  3. Enter the size of the block of samples to be reserved in the Number to reserve field.
  4. Press OK.  BSI will search for the first unused block of Sample IDs and add them to the editor.

Generate Sample IDs

A range of Sample IDs can be generated in a Sample Reservations Add batch.  This tool can be useful if a large number of Sample IDs are to be reserved.

To generate a range of Sample IDs:

  1. Select the row in the batch to insert the generated range of IDs.  The generated Sample IDs will be inserted above the selected row.
  2. Select Generate from the Tools menu.  The Generate Range dialog will open.Generate icon
  3. On the Generate Range dialog, enter the starting and ending Sample IDs.Generate range dialog
  4. Select Generate.  One row of will be inserted for each Sample ID in the range specified.  The Study ID and Subject ID columns will be blank for the inserted rows and can be edited or imported into the batch.

Commit a Sample Reservation Batch

Only batches that have no errors can be committed.

To commit a batch:

  1. On the Sample Reservations Manager, locate the desired batch information.
  2. Click anywhere in a batch row to highlight it.
  3. Press the Commit button.  A Committing Data window will appear containing information for the batch being committed.Commit Sample Reservations Batch
  4. Press OK to commit the batch or Cancel to exit this window without committing the batch.

Once a batch is committed, users will receive a message on the Messages tab confirming that the batch was committed successfully.  While in the committing process, batches have the status of Queued, Running, and Committed.  To monitor batch status, refresh the Sample Reservations Manager, by either selecting Refresh from the View menu or pressing the F5 key.

Delete a Sample Reservation Batch

Depending on batch properties, a batch can be deleted by the batch owner only, by anyone at the batch owner's institution or by anyone.  Only batches that have not been committed can be deleted.

To delete a batch:

  1. In the Sample Reservations Manager, locate the desired batch information.
  2. Click anywhere in a batch row to highlight it.
  3. Press the Delete button.  An alert will appear asking the user to confirm that they would like to delete the selected batch.Delete Sample Reservations
  4. Press Yes to delete the batches or No to cancel.

Once a batch is deleted, its information can still be viewed on the Sample Reservations Manager.  However, the batch will now have a status of Deleted.  Deleted batches cannot be edited or committed.