Redo a Task
When you choose Mark As Redo it only applies to the specimens that users have selected which are Included and have the task marked as Completed. When a task is marked as Redo it is not automatically re-completed. Instead the task status changes to Redo and it is now treated as if it had a task status of Applied.
Any task can be marked as Redo with the exception of:
- Transfer Out task - If there is a mistake in a Transfer Out task, the repository that now owns the specimen must be contacted so that they may complete a Transfer Out task to transfer it back to the user's repository.
- Return to Inventory task - If there is a mistake in a Return to Inventory task, the specimen must be re-requested in the Requisitions editor. A specimen can be re-requested from the Include column header menu.
When marking a task of Aliquot or Process as Redo:
- Users will only be successful if no children were created for the selected specimen(s) by the task.
- If the task did create children for a selected specimen AND YOU ARE SURE THOSE CHILDREN DO NOT EXIST AND ARE NOT BEING USED BY ANY OTHER REQUISITION then you can go to Data Entry, create a Modify batch to change the children's Vial Status to "In", and then create a Delete batch for those children.
- Once this batch is committed those specimens will be removed from the requisition and you will be able to mark the task as Redo.
- CAUTION: If a user commits a Delete batch they should be extremely careful that they enter the correct information. Delete batches remove all history of a record existing.
To change a specimen's task status to Redo:
- Select the specimens to mark for Redo.
- Click on the column header for the task to open the column header menu.
- Hover over the Change Status option to open the sub-menu and select Mark as Redo. The selected specimen's task status will be changed to Redo.
Note: There are some tasks that when completed may change the status of the specimen. These tasks are Ship, Returned, Empty, Lost, Broken/Destroyed, Destroy and Hold. If a user marks one of these tasks as Redo then a dialog will be displayed which will allow them to select the status that the specimens had before the task was completed.