Processing a Requisition


Processing a Requisition

Save a Pending Requisition

Users can save a requisition instead of submitting it at any point in the creation process.  

  • No repository will be listed for the requisition on the Requisitions Manager.  Do not use Repository as a filter criteria when trying to find a Pending requisition.
  • No repository can begin work on a saved-only requisition and no vials will be reserved for the requisition until it is submitted.
  • It will have a status of Pending and is unavailable to the repositories until submission is successful.  
  • A unique Requisition ID will be assigned to the requisition when it is first saved or submitted.

Submit a Requisition

To submit a requisition for processing at the repository:

  1. Check to make sure that all the desired specimens to be included in the requisition have been requested.  All of these specimens should have an Include status of Requested.  Any specimens listed in the requisition that do not have an Include status of Requested will be removed from the requisition when it is submitted.  Requested specimens will not be reserved until the requisition is submitted.

  2. Edit the requisition's properties by selecting Specify Properties from the Edit menu.  Providing Instructions or other elements of the requisition's properties may be required, depending on the database, before a requisition can be submitted for processing.Specify Properties

  3. Tasks can be added to the requisition before it is submitted.  Tasks added to a Pending requisition can only be applied to specimens that have an Include status of Requested.  See Add a Task for more information on adding tasks to the requisition.

  4. Submit the requisition by selecting Submit from the File menu or click the Submit button on the Requisitions Editor. The About to Submit dialog will appear. 

  5. The About to Submit dialog asks the user to confirm that the requisition is ready to be submitted for processing by the repository. Press the Yes button to submit the requisition. Press the Cancel button to return to the Requisitions Editor without submitting the requisition.
    • If the Yes button was pressed in the About to Submit dialog and the requisition was submitted successfully, the Requisition Submitted dialog appears. This dialog displays the Requisition ID of the submitted requisition and asks if the submitted requisition should be opened automatically after the dialog closes. Pressing the Yes button opens the requisition in Edit mode. Pressing the No button closes the Requisitions Editor.About To submit
      • If the requisition fails to submit due to warnings, the Include status will change from Requested to Warning for all specimens that generated a warning from the submit process. 
      • Warnings are generated when the number of specimens requested causes the remaining available specimens in a group to drop below the threshold set by the Min Specimens and Min Volume columns or when there is a warning for the specimen in the specimen table's Warning field.  This field can be viewed in the requisition editor. Every specimen with an include status of Warning must be Overridden or the request must be canceled before the requisition can be submitted for processing. Once all Vial Warnings have been overridden or the request for the specimens has been canceled, the requisition may be submitted again.
  6. Upon submitting the requisition to the repository for processing, a notification email will be sent to all Study PI’s (aka Study Owners), to grant approval for any included specimen belonging to a study that requires approval. The email will include information on Requisition Warnings that were overridden.
  7. The ‘Approval Status’ for all specimens requiring Study PI approval, will remain Pending, until reviewed.  When the ‘Approval Status’ is marked as ‘Approved’, further processing on the specimen may continue. Once a requisition is submitted, the Vial Status for the included specimens will change from In to Reserved and the requisition will be available for processing.     

Approval Status is a Requisition Specimen Field, which determines whether a request to use a specimen in a particular requisition has been granted or denied.  The designated approver of the study cannot approve specimens in a requisition they have created. The Approval Status may have the following values:

  • Approved – the request has been approved
  • Denied – the request has not been approved
  • Pending – the specimen has not yet been approved
  • N/A – the specimen does not require approval

Tasks can only be completed for specimens where the Approval Status is Approved or N/A. Note that all other requisition inclusion requirements still stand.

If a specimen is rejected:

  1. All tasks will be denied.
  2. The Specimen Status will change to In.
  3. The Include Status will change to Denied.
  4. The Approval Status will change to Denied.