Approve/Deny the use of Specimen
When a requisition is submitted, and contains specimens that belong to a study or studies which require approval, approvals can be given by:
- System Administrators
- Study PI’s
- Users with explicit study permission for approvals
The user approving specimens must have general permission to specimen in Requisitions as well as Study-specific permissions to do so. The user creating the Requisition cannot approve specimens in it.
An email notification is sent to the requisition submitter, and repository contacts associated with requested vials when there are no longer any vials included which have an Approval Status of “Pending”. Users may opt out of this notification via their user preferences.
Approving specimen via BSI Engage:
- The user responsible for approving requisitions in a study, listed in the Study Properties dialog as the Requisition Approver, will receive an email when a submitted requisition requests specimens in the study.
- In the email there will be a link to the approval page in BSI Engage. Click the link.
- The default web browser will open. Enter BSI login username and password.
- The Approvals page will open. Select the specimen(s) to be approved and add any comments, then select the Approve button. The page will refresh to reflect the changes.
If approval will not be given, select those specimen(s). Add any desired comments and select the Deny button. The page will refresh to reflect the changes. To just add an approval comment, select the specimen(s) and enter comments. Select the Apply button. The page will refresh to reflect the changes.
Alternately, if the approving user knows the requisition ID associated with the requisition, the following process can be used:
- Login to BSI Engage using the username and password associated with the account.
- Navigate to the Requisitions tab.
- Select Requisition ID from the Add Criteria menu, then enter the ID in the text field. Press the Enter key.
- Select the Requisition.
- Select the Approvals tab.
- Select the specimen(s) to be approved, then add any desired comments and select the Approve button. The page will refresh to reflect the changes.
If approval will not be given, select those specimen(s). Add any desired comments and select the Deny button. The page will refresh to reflect the changes. To just add an approval comment, select the specimen(s) and enter comments. Select the Apply button. The page will refresh to reflect the changes.
Approving specimen via the BSI Client:
- Navigate to the requisition which requires approval.
- Select specimen to be approved. Right click on the Approval Status column
- The following Approval Statuses will be available for selection:
- Mark as Approved - changes Approval Status to Approved
- Mark as Rejected - changes Approval Status to Denied
- Remove Approval - can only be selected if no tasks are completed; changes Approval Status to Pending
- Remove Denial - changes Approval Status to Pending
- The user may enter a comment by right clicking on the Approval Comment field and entering text.