Edit a container
To edit a container's parameters:
- In the Locations Manager, select the container to edit in the Location Tree and either click the Edit button or select Edit from the right-click menu.
- The Location Editor will open for the selected container.
- Make the desired changes to the container's parameters.
- Select Save from the File menu or press the Save button to save changes.
If any errors exist on the Location Editor, the container will not be saved. Resolve any errors before saving again. Fields with errors will be shaded red and will be listed in an error table at the bottom of the Location Editor.
To adjust layout to configuration:
- If a user changes a container type to make a box smaller and there are vials in the extraneous slots; save the change, destroy or move the vials and then click Tools > Adjust Layout to Configuration or press Ctrl + A to remove the extraneous locations from the box layout.
- Users will receive a message that the extraneous locations were removed successfully.
If there are vials in any of the extraneous slots, users will receive a message and will not be able to adjust the layout.
Users can also generate unique label IDs.