Container Types


Container Types

Container Type code list

All container types must first be defined in the lkup_container_type code list before they are available to be added to the Locations Manager.

The specifications that can be defined in this code list are:

  • Value - A unique value stored in the database that users may specify.
  • Description - A short description of the container.  This description will appear in selection dialogs in BSI.  This field must be unique.
  • General Container Type - The type of container being defined (Freezer, Rack, Box, Msc...)
  • Number of Rows - The number of rows of specimens that can be stored in the container.  Enter 0 for containers that do not store specimens.
  • Number of Columns - The number of columns of specimens that can be stored in the container.  Enter 0 for containers that do not store specimens.
  • Length - The physical length of the container.
  • Width - The physical width of the container.
  • Height - The physical height of the container.
  • Capacity - The total capacity of the container, in 2ml specimen equivalents.

Types of Containers


Buildings only require an ID and a label. The IDs for buildings are selected from a list which is stored in the lkup_building code list. This code list can be edited by pressing the Edit Code List icon on the Select Codes dialog. There can only be one building in a location hierarchy.


Rooms only require an ID and a label. The IDs for rooms are selected from a list which is stored in the lkup_room code list. This code list can be edited by pressing the Edit Code List icon on the Select Codes dialog. There can only be one room in a location hierarchy.


Freezers can be configured to accurately represent a freezer in as little or as much detail as desired.  There are only a few parameters required to create a freezer.  These are:

  • ID

  • Label

  • Db Used By (This parameter will be set to the user's database by default.)
There are several basic and advanced parameters that can be assigned to a freezer:

Basic Parameters

  • ID - (Required) This field must be unique within the container hierarchy in the Locations module.
  • Label - (Required) The actual label on the freezer.
  • Row - Row where the freezer is located in the room or building.
  • Column - Column where the freezer is located in the room or building.
  • Physical Type - The type of freezer.  The options available for this field are in the lkup_freezer_physical_type code list.
  • Use - How the freezer is currently being used.  The options available for this field are in the lkup_freezer_use code list.
  • Status - The current active/inactive status of the freezer.
  • Capacity - A field representing the capacity of the freezer, or the total number of vial locations.
  • % Occupied - A field representing the percent of the freezer that is occupied, which is calculated by: (Number of filled vial locations/Capacity) X 100.
  • Study - A read-only field that is filled in if the freezer is reserved for a study.
  • Notes - Any notes for the freezer can be entered here.

Advanced Parameters

  • Model Num - The freezer's model number.
  • Serial Num - The freezer's serial number.
  • Manufacturer - The freezer's manufacturer.
  • Temp - The freezer's temperature.
  • Temp Scale - The temperature scale for the Temp parameter.
  • Alarm Temp Hi - The high temperature which will set off the freezer's alarm.
  • Alarm Temp Low -The low temperature which will set off the freezer's alarm.
  • Voltage - The freezer's operating voltage.
  • Alarm Point - The physical location of the alarm.
  • Db Used By - (Required) This field is set to the user's database by default.  If set to a different database, BSI will not allow vials or containers to be added to the freezer.
  • Date Manufacture -  The freezer's date of manufacture.

Racks and Boxes

Racks and Boxes open in the default Location Editor.  The parameters that are required depend upon the configuration of the actual container in the lkup_container_type code list.  If the container has rows and columns (is configured to hold vials), the Row Format and Column Format parameters will be required.  The Layout Start Corner parameter is not required to save or use the container, but is required to view the Container Layout Map.

Default Locations Editor Parameters:

  • ID - (Required) This field must be unique within the container hierarchy in the Locations module.
  • Label - (Required) The actual label on the freezer.
  • Container Type - The type of container as defined in the lkup_container_type code list.
  • Row Format - The numbering or lettering format of the container rows.  This field is required for containers that are configured to hold vials.
  • Column Format - The numbering or lettering format of the container columns.
  • Layout Start Corner - Identifies the corner of the container that is used to start numbering/lettering rows and columns.  This column is required for viewing and printing the Container Layout Map.
  • Study - A read-only field that is filled in if the location is reserved for a study.
  • Notes - Any notes for the container can be entered here.

Multi-specimen Containers

A multi-specimen container (MSC) is a container with multiple wells that is created to preserve sample integrity by limiting the number of specimen thaws due to testing. Each MSC well can be occupied by a specimen in the BSI system. Since MSCs contain specimens in multiple wells that cannot be separated from each other, there are special rules for using MSCs in requisitions. When creating an MSC in Locations, the ID for the container is automatically generated by BSI and is not editable.

If one MSC specimen (or well) is added to a requisition, all of the MSC specimens are automatically added to the requisition. Furthermore, some requisition tasks must be applied to all of an MSC’s specimens, while other tasks can be applied to any number of specimens:

  • Aliquot - Can apply to one or more MSC specimens.
  • Broken/Destroyed - Must apply to all MSC specimens.
  • Destroy - Must apply to all MSC specimens.
  • Empty - Can apply to one or more MSC specimens.
  • Hold - Must apply to all MSC specimens.
  • Lost - Must apply to all MSC specimens.
  • Process - Can apply to one or more MSC specimens.
  • Pull - Cannot apply to MSC specimens.
  • Return to Inventory - Must apply to all MSC specimens.
  • Returned - Must apply to all MSC specimens.
  • Relabel - Can apply to one or more MSC specimens.
  • Ship - Must apply to all MSC specimens.
  • Transfer Out - Must apply to all MSC specimens.