Edit a Label Format
BSI supports .lab and .POF files for Sentinel and IP label printing. It also supports .btw files for Bartender and printing via Labwriter to SlideMate printers. The Label editor will allow users to modify a selected label format by changing its name, description, associated template files, field names, Study ID and the path of the label file.
Users with the appropriate permissions can edit label formats and save them in their home directory. Users can also open a label format from another directory, edit the format and save it to their own home directory or institution directory (depending on role permissions). Local Administrators can save label formats in any directory that belongs to their institution.
Sentinel or IP Label printing:
Note: Prior to IP Label Printing, the lkup_printer code list must be configured to include the printer that will be used. This code list includes the following fields: Printer Name, Printer Label, Printing Method (POF, Sentinel, Bartender, or CodeSoft), Printer, POF IP Address, POF Port, Drop Folder, and Active.
For Bartender printing, the Drop Folder value’s format will depend on whether a Mac or PC is being used. If both may be used, then instead create two distinct label formats for use with these printers, one for Mac only and the other for PC only. In the specifications, enter the appropriately formatted value in the Label File path field.
- Select the folder containing the label format in the left pane of the Labels Manager. Any labels and sub-folders in the selected folder will be displayed in the right pane.
- Highlight the label format in the right pane by clicking on it anywhere in the row.
- Select the Edit button. The Editing label dialog will open.
- On the Label File tab of the Editing Label dialog, click the Upload button to search for a data source.

- Once the .pof or .lab file is selected, click Open. The path will appear in the File path: field.
- On the Field Mapping tab, choose the BSI field from the drop down list that corresponds to the CodeSoft field. For .lab files, use the Insert Rows icon to add and map fields.
- Note: When adding, changing, or deleting a mapping from variable name (CodeSoft Variable Name) to BSI column name (Name displayed in BSI), users should keep in mind that rows with one or more blank columns will be completely ignored; therefore there is no need to delete empty rows, and extra rows need merely be cleared of data.

- On the Description tab, enter a description of the file, if desired.
- Select Save. The Save Label dialog will open.
- Enter a name for the label or select the existing name and select Save. If the existing name is entered or selected, the label format with that name will be overwritten unless the label format is being saved in a different folder.
Bartender or Labwriter:
- Select the folder containing the label format in the left pane of the Labels Manager. Any labels and sub-folders in the selected folder will be displayed in the right pane.
- Highlight the label format in the right pane by clicking on it anywhere in the row.
- Select the Edit button. The Editing label dialog will open.
- On the Label File tab of the Editing Label dialog, select the Label File path where the labels will be saved before printing.
- In a Bartender label, click the Select Template button then choose the template to be used and press Open.
- In a Labwriter label, enter the Template Name.

- On the Field Mapping tab, choose the BSI field from the drop down list and the corresponding to the Template Field.
- Note: When adding, changing, or deleting a mapping from variable name (Template Field) to BSI column name (Name displayed in BSI), users should keep in mind that rows with one or more blank columns will be completely ignored; therefore there is no need to delete empty rows, and extra rows need merely be cleared of data.
- Select Save. The Save Label dialog will open.
- Enter a name for the label or select the existing name and select Save. If the existing name is entered or selected, the label format with that name will be overwritten unless the label format is being saved in a different folder.