Shipment ID
When initially saved, each incoming shipment is given a unique ID in the form I YYYY:999999. All shipment IDs start with the letter "I", representing an incoming shipment, followed by the four digit year in which the shipment was created. After the year is a colon followed by a six digit ID number.
To simplify typing, the incoming shipment IDs can be abbreviated on the Shipment Manager Filter, reports, and other search functions throughout the system. The "I" is optional. The year can be typed as four digits, two digits (defaulting to the current century), or eliminated entirely (defaulting to the current year). The six-digit number after the colon does not require leading zeros.
For example, to a user searching on March 26, 2019 for a shipment:
08:20 means I2008:000020
24 means I2019:000024