Blind: This task is used to hide certain specimen data when transferring to another repository.
Box Return to Inventory: This task is used to return an entire box and all the specimens contained within it to the inventory.
Ship: This task is used to send an entire box and its specimens to an external facility which does not use your BSI database to track specimens.
Box Transfer: This task is used to transfer an entire box and every specimen contained within it to the custody of another repository.
Package: This task is used to containerize specimens into a box in the locations heirarchy preparation for shipping at a later time.
Returned: This task is used to note the return of specimens previously shipped to a facility or person that does not use BSI. The specimen will be reserved i nthe requisition and can then be returned to the inventory.
Return to Inventory: This task is used to return specimens reserved in a requisition to the available inventory when processing is complete.
Ship: This task is used to send specimens to an external facility which does not use your BSI database to track specimens.
Shipment Received:The Shipment Received task is used to track the receipt of existing specimens from within a requisition.
Transfer Out: This task is used to transfer custody of specimens from one repository to another within the same BSI database.
Unblind: This task is used to merge data from original and blinded specimens after those specimens no longer need to have data hidden.
Generic, Investigate, or Pull: These tasks are used to record details about actions taken on specimens but which do not alter any specimen data.
Procedure: This task is used to track and record data entered in a Results batch.
Relabel: This task is used to print new labels for specimens and track when physical specimen labels are changed.
Aliquot: This task is used to create child specimens which are linked in BSI to the parent specimens they were created from.
Process: This task is used to create child specimens which are linked in BSI to the parent specimens they were created from.
Pool: This task is used to combine multiple specimens into a single, new specimen.
Broken/Destroyed: This task is used to change the vial status of specimens which are physically broken or otherwise damaged to "Broken/Destroyed".
Destroy: This task is used to change the vial status of specimens which will be disposed of to "Broken/Destroyed".
Discrepancy: This task allows you to record discrepancies between virtual specimen data in BSI and physical specimen data.
Empty: This task is used to change the vial status of specimens which have a volume value of "0" to "Empty", thereby removing them from the available inventory.
Hold: This task is used to change the vial status of specimens to "On Hold", which reserved specimens for a specific purpose while maintaining their location data.
Lost: This task is used to change the vial status of missing specimens to "Lost", thereby removing them from the available inventory.
Thaw: A Thaw Task increments the Thaws field value by a specified integer when completed on specimens in a requisition.
Withdraw: This task is used to change the vial status of specimens to "Out", without shipping them to another facility.
Modify: This task allows you to track updates to specimen data via the requisition.
Add Cores to Microarray: This task allows you to add extra cores to an existing microarray specimen.
Create Microarray: This task is used to create a new microarray specimen from existing specimens in the inventory.
Modify Microarray: This task allows you to modify the grid location of cores contained in an existing microarray, as well as delete cores from the microarray.