Adding Tasks to Requisition Task Templates
To add a task to a Task Template:
- From the Requisition Task Templates Editor, select the Add Task button. A dialog will open.
- Select the task type to be added.
- Press OK.
- Fill in desired fields in the Task Properties tab in the Editor. Some tasks may have database default values preset in this tab.
- Task Name - This field is automatically populated with the task type name.
- Task Destination
- Origination
- Attachment
- Task Instructions
- Station
- Assign To
- From the Applies To tab, the user can specify search criteria which will define specimens the task is applied to in requisitions.
- Users can save and then apply task templates in their requisitions.
The task can be removed by highlighting it and pressing the Delete Task button. The Up and Down buttons can be used to change the order of the tasks.
Child Vial Properties
Requisition task templates are able to specify the Number of Children to Create and a Starting Child Sequence Number for the Aliquot, Create Child Specimens, and Process tasks. These values will be used if they present in the Requisition Task Template. The default values can be added in the Number of Children to Create and Starting Child Sequence Number fields in Child Vial Properties.
If the Requisition Task Template is applied in the Requisition Properties dialog, it will begin to create the specified number of child specimens and apply the Starting Child Sequence Number that was added in the Requisition Task Template Editor. If the Requisition does not have a Requisition Task Template or does not have a Starting Child Sequence Number in a Requisition Task Template, the User Preference will be used or it will be blank for the user to enter.
Requisition Task Templates may also specify pooled specimen values for the Pool task. Users may select a Parent Grouping Option and specify the Pool Child Starting sequence within a requisition task template. If the Requisition Task Template is applied in the Requisition Properties dialog, the Select a Parent Grouping Option and Pool Child Starting Sequence fields will be selected/filled out as specified. If this information is not specified in the template, the pooled child vials will have their Sequence Numbers assigned according to the User Preference. If no User Preference is set, users will be prompted to enter a starting Sequence Value. Users will also be prompted to specify their Grouping Fields within the Pool task dialogs in the requisition.
The Create Child Vial and Specify Pooled Specimens properties within a Requisition Task Template are more powerful when used in conjunction with the Applies To functionality. Tasks can be automatically begun within a requisition when child properties are specified and Applies To criteria is set within a Requisition Task Template.
Example: Child Vial Properties are entered within a Requisition Task Template for the Aliquot task.
Applies To criteria is also set for this task within the Requisition Task Template. The Aliquot task will automatically be applied to vials with a Material Type of “Blood”.
The Aliquot task is automatically begun when the Requisition Task Template is applied in a requisition.
Task Dependencies
Task Dependencies are listed on the Task Properties of each task. To make the currently selected task dependent on the completion of another task, mark the checkbox of the other task in this section. Dependencies may be automatically assigned based on task order by selecting Automatically Assign Task Dependencies from the Tools menu