Requisition Property Template Display Order
The Display Order button from the Requisition manager, allows users with Access Requisition Property Template Manager and Create/Edit Requisition Template Manager permissions to assign a specific order to the available requisition property templates.
Display order is not editable within the Requisition Property Template properties dialog and is shown as blank for RPTs with a Status of Draft.
Once a requisition property template has been made active, the display order will become editable within the Specify Order dialog.
To add or update the Requisition Property Template Display Order:
- Press the Display Order button located in the Requisition manager.
- Display Order button opens a Specify Order dialog with:
- OK and Cancel buttons (If there are errors with one or more Display Order columns, the OK button will be grayed out)
- A table with columns for
- Template ID – not editable
- Label – not editable
- Display Order – editable
- After Display Order has been set, pressing the New button in the Requisitions manager will show the display order placement of the existing active Requisition Property Templates.
Errors will occur if the display order value is not an integer, if there is a gap in numbering, or if it is a duplicated value.
Additional Requisition Property Templates added after Display Order has been previously set for active Requisition Property Templates do not require a specified Display Order and will be shown after the Display Order list.

No Template, displaying all requisition properties, will be displayed last.
If a requisition property template is changed from Active to Draft, it is no longer listed in the Display Order Specify Order dialog box and it no longer keeps its display order placement. Other Requisition Property Templates will keep their order placement but can be renumbered within the Specify Order dialog. Once it is reactivated, its Display Order placement will need to be reset.
Display Order functionality needs to be created within the BSI Client but will appear in the BSI Client and Engage.