Project Fields

Managing Project Fields

Issues in Squish are defined by information contained in a number of fields, as well as user comments. A few fields are provided by default in Squish to get you started, and you can add, delete, deactivate, re-order, or edit those fields or their lookups as necessary. Project managers can customize the fields and their settings to fit the project, but some default fields and settings are necessary for Squish to keep track of your issues. From any project screen, click Admin > Fields on the navigation bar to access the Fields screen, where all of these changes can be made.


  • Reordering. The order that the fields appear on the screen can be changed easily from the Fields screen.  Click on the move icon (three parallel lines before the name) and drag the field to the position you want it moved.
  • See an overview of all fields and issue types. Click this option to open a table displaying each field as a row and each issue type as a column. A checkbox in the cell for a given fields and issue type means that fields is active for the issue type.
  • Field Name. Select the field name to edit the properties and lookup values for that field.
    • Active Fields. Active field names are blue and inactive ones are gray. To change active status of the field click on the name to open the editing screen.
  • Private. Fields with a value of Yes in this column are only available for users with roles permissions to view private fields.
  • Create a New Field. Click to add additional fields to the project.

Default Fields

Certain fields are required for Squish to work. All of the required fields are included by default when creating a new project. The names of all default fields can be changed, but the functionality of the fields does not change. The following fields are added to Squish projects by default:

  • Issue ID. This field is necessary to Squish functionality and therefore cannot be deleted or edited for issues.
  • Audit trail fields. The Submitted By, Resolved By, Date Submitted, Date Resolved, and Date Modified fields are necessary to Squish functionality and therefore cannot be deleted or edited for issues.
  • Subject. This field is necessary to Squish functionality and therefore cannot be deleted. The field size can be changed and it can be edited for issues. It is always required.
  • Type. This field is necessary to Squish functionality and therefore cannot be deleted. The field size can be changed and it can be edited for issues. This field is always required.
  • Status. This field can be inactivated and is not required, though milestones and any statistics will not be usable if Status is inactive. There are two special properties of Status field values:
    • Resolved. if selected for a Status value, that field value will affect the date resolved for the issue, searching and project management notifications.
    • Require Resolution. If selected for a value, issues with this field value will require a value to be entered in the Resolution field.
  • Milestone. This field has a type of "Project/Milestone". This field is linked to the Milestones feature.
  • Assigned To. This field is linked to a list of project members. In an issue, if a user is selected for this field, that user may receive email notifications related to the issue.
  • Priority. Required by default.
  • Description. This field is necessary to Squish functionality and therefore cannot be deleted. The field size can be changed and it can be edited for issues. This field is always required.
  • Resolution. This large text field is necessary to Squish functionality and therefore cannot be deleted. The field size can be changed and some properties can be edited. This field is not required.
  • Confidential. If an issue is marked as confidential via this field, then only the submitting user and users with the Can view confidential fields and comments role permission will be able to access the issue.
  • Parent Issue. Inactive by default. This field is used to track parent-child relationships between issues. Activating the field will enable the New Child button available on an issue’s details page.
  • Due Date. Inactive by default. This field is intended to track issue due dates associated with project management. When configured via the Project Settings, the Due Date field is used to displaying issues on the project calendar and for reminders.

Adding Project Fields

  1. creating_a_new_field.pngClick +Create a new field on the Project Fields screen to add a new field.
  2. Select a Type from the drop-down list. Available types include: Text, Lookup, Boolean (Yea/No), Integer, Decimal, Date, Large Text, User List, Multi-Value Lookup, URL, Issue, and Checklist.
  3. Enter a Name for the field. This will be the field label.
  4. Enter a description if desired. This will appear in lighter letters beneath the field. This is a good place to put any special instructions for the field.
  5. Check the boxes next to the options you want. See the Field Types section below for more information on additional options specific to each field type. The following options are available for all new fields:
    • Require this field to have a value - The field cannot be blank when submitting or updating an issue. Corresponds to Required column on the Fields screen.
    • Displayed this field in search results by default - The field will be included in the list of fields on the left on the Search screen. Corresponds to Search column on the Fields screen.
    • Record history for this field - Changes to the data in the field will be tracked and can be displayed. By default this field is checked.
    • Private - Only users with a role that has the View Private Fields permission can see this field.
    • Allow this field to be mass changed - Users with permission to Mass Change can update the data in this field for a group of issues using the Mass Change feature. Corresponds to Change column on the Fields screen.
  6. Key in a Regular Expression Validator if needed.
  7. Check the Only notify project managers on this field checkbox, if needed. This checkbox will prevent subscribed users who are not managers for the current project from receiving email updates that include this field’s data or which are for updates made to this field. Those users will still receive notifications for other field updates and comments.
  8. Optionally, select one or more values for the Notify issue types box. For any Issue Types selected, the new field's value will be included in all email notifications.
  9. Select the issue type(s) that you want the field to appear in via the Active column's checkbox for that issue type. The following additional configurations are available for each Issue Type:
    1. Show on Submit - When checked, the field will be available when submitting an issue. Corresponds to Submit column on the Fields screen.
    2. Required - Can be set to require a value for this field always or only when resolving the issue. Fields can also be configured to never require a value for the corresponding Issue Type.
    3. Read-Only - The field can be set to be read only in the following circumstances: after submission, after issue resolution, or never.
    4. Location - Identifies where this field is displayed on an issue. Options include: in the field section, above the issue description, below the issue description, or after the Comment box.
  10. Click Create Field to create the new field. 


Editing & Deleting Fields

Editing Fields

From the Project Fields screen click on the name of the field you want to edit. An editing screen like the one above will open. While editing a field, you may select or type a default value per Issue Type for the field. Make the changes you need to make and click on the Submit Changes button.

Company Administrators may convert one field to another kind. You can do this by clicking on the Convert Field button. A screen will open with the types of fields to which you are able to covert.  Select a type and click on the Convert Field button. A dialog will ask you if you are sure. Click OK to complete the conversion.

Deleting Fields

If a field can be deleted, there will be a Delete Field button at the bottom of the editing screen. Click on the Delete Field button to delete the field. A Delete field screen will ask you if you are sure. If the field has a value for anu issues, the page will also include a count of the number of issues the field will be deleted from. Click the Delete Field button. A dialog will ask you if you are sure. Click OK to complete the deletion.


Field Types

There are several different field types that can be selected. Depending on which type is selected, additional options will be displayed once you fill out the initial fields on the Field screen and click Create Field. The additional options are listed below under each field type:


Use the text field type when you would like to allow users to type in free-form text using letters, number and/or symbols.

  • Size - The maximum number of characters that can be entered in the field.  Enter a whole number.
  • Default Value - The text that will appear in the field when a new issue is created. Can be left blank.


Use a lookup field when there is a finite number of responses and you would like to create a list of the responses so users can select one.

  • Roles allowed to add lookups - If any roles are selected here, users with that role will be able to add lookup values to the field directly from an issue by typing values into the field's box instead of selecting an existing value. Users will not be able to modify or delete existing values.
  • A check box labeled Display inactive values when searching on this field is added to the section of the screen with the other check boxes. Check the box if you want inactive values from the Lookups table to appear in the search criteria and search results.
  • Lookups table - Active - When checked, the value will appear in the lookup for the field
    • Order - Lookup values can be dragged and dropped by using the move icon (three parallel lines) before the label.
    • Label - What will appear in the lookup.
    • Description - What the entry in the Label column means.
    • Color - Accepts a HEX color code. A square of the chosen color will be displayed next to this value in searches where it is displayed.
    • Active – Uncheck this box to inactivate the value.
    • Delete - Check the box to remove the value when the field is updated.
  • Only active values are displayed in the table by default. If you need to edit inactive values, click the Load more results button to load the next up to 100 inactive lookup values.
  • The Add Lookup button at the top of the table adds a new blank row to the top of the table. Selecting the same button at the bottom of the table adds the new blank row to the end of the list.
  • The Add Multiple button opens a dialog where you can paste one or more new lookup values to add to the table. Selecting this button from the top of the table adds new rows to the top of the table. Selecting the button from the bottom adds new rows to the end of the table.
  • Alphabetize lookups on next update - Check box to display the values in alphabetical order after the page is next saved.

Boolean (Yes/No)

The only valid values for the field are Yes and No.

  • Default Value - The value that is selected by default when a new issue is created. Can be left blank.


Only whole numbers can be entered in the field.

  • Default Value - The number that will appear in the field when a new issue is created. Can be left blank.


Numbers with a decimal point can be entered in the field.

  • Default Value - The number that will appear in the field when a new issue is created. Can be left blank.


Only a properly formatted date can be entered in the field. The data format each person uses is set on the My Account screen.

  • Default Value - The date that will appear in the field when a new issue is created.  The date will appear in the format that each user has set on the My Account screen. Can be left blank.

While editing any existing date type field, a Migrate Data button is available to Project Managers. This allows administrators to migrate the data from any user created date type field into the system default “Due Date” field for the purposes of project management.

Large Text

Use this type if you would like the field to be able to contain a large amount of text.

  • The text that will appear in the field when a new issue is created. Can be left blank.

User List

Use this type if you would like to be able to select from the list of all users who are members of the site.

  • User Roles - Select roles to determine which members will be displayed in the list. Only members who have the selected roles will be included. Select multiple roles by holding down the Ctrl key or hold down the Shift key to select the first and last roles to select a group of consecutive roles.
  • Default Value - The person who's name will appear in the field when a new issue is created. Can be left blank. Note - The values will only be available after saving the changes to the field and selecting the field name again.

Multi-Value Lookup

  • Default Value - The value that is selected by default when a new issue is created. Note - The values will only be available after saving the changes to the field and selecting the field name again.
  • A check box labeled Display inactive values when searching on this field is added to the section of the screen with the other check boxes. Check the box if you want inactive values from the Lookups table to appear in the search criteria and search results.
  • Lookups table - Active - When checked, the value will appear in the lookup for the field.
    • Order - Lookup values can be dragged and dropped by using the move icon (three parallel lines) before the label.
    • Label - What will appear in the lookup.
    • Description - What the entry in the Label column means.
    • Color - Accepts a HEX color code. A square of the chosen color will be displayed next to this value in searches where it is displayed.
    • Active – Uncheck this box to inactivate the value.
    • Delete - Check the box to remove the value when the field is updated.
  • Only active values are displayed in the table by default. If you need to edit inactive values, click the Load more results button to load the next up to 100 inactive lookup values.
  • The Add Lookup button adds a new blank row to the table.
  • The Add Multiple button opens a dialog where you can paste one or more new lookup values to add to the table.
  • Alphabetize lookups on next update - Check box to display the values in alphabetical order after the page is next saved.


  • A field for URLs.


  • The types available are set via the Issue Types screen instead of using a lookup. See Issue Types for more information.


  • A list of values that can be toggled with a checkbox.

Multi-User List

Use this type if you would like to be able to select multiple values from the list of all project members.

  • User Roles - Select roles to determine which members will be displayed in the list. Only members who have the selected roles will be included. Select multiple roles by holding down the Ctrl key or hold down the Shift key to select the first and last roles to select a group of consecutive roles.
  • A check box labeled Display inactive values when searching on this field is added to the section of the screen with the other check boxes. Check the box if you want inactive values from the Lookups table to appear in the search criteria and search results.