Company Timeline for Project Administrators

Company Timeline for Project Administrators

The Company Timeline provides a linked list of all changes the user made to issues on a daily basis, across all projects the user accesses. As a Project Administrator, you can select from the following criteria to narrow the results returned:

  • User. This field allows Project Administrators to select any one user, across all projects for which they are an administrator, to view the timeline for.
  • Projects. A multichoice field listing all projects to which you have access. Select one or more projects to narrow results. Alternatively, leave this field blank to return results from all your projects.
  • To and From. The start and end dates for updates to be included in the timeline.
  • Check any/all of the following checkboxes to designate which types of changes are included in the timeline:
    • Submitted issues
    • Updates to issues
    • Resolutions to issues
    • Wiki updates

To filter the timeline, make your selections and click on the Update button. Results will be grouped by day and displayed starting with the most recent changes.

At the top of the timeline, a Show as table button is available. When selected, a pop-up opens displaying a table with counts of each selected update type per project.

Note: This timeline is available for reporting on a single user’s actions across all projects. If you need to search on all user activities in a given project and you are a member of that project, use the Project Timeline on that project’s homepage. The Project Timeline includes an “Anyone” option under the Users field which will search all users across the project. It does not allow for searching on multiple projects or have the Show as Table option.

Company timeline from a project managers perspective