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The Power of Reporting, Part II

By Archive User posted 11-21-2014 13:45


In the last Friday Feature Focus, The Power of Reporting, Part I, it was highlighted that data is only as useful as it is easy to access. While we’ve discussed the scope of the data BSI is able to capture, and the intuitive output types BSI uses to present this data, it is equally important to describe the ease with which reporting functionality can be accessed and utilized throughout the system. While it is certainly helpful to have a designated space within the system to be able to go to run, save, and access saved reports, more often than not reporting is required in relation to work you are doing and materials you are processing. As such, BSI is designed to allow users to run reports at various points throughout specimen processing activities. In fact, any time a specimen can be selected or viewed in BSI, a report can be run on that specimen. From contents reports available from inventory locations, to discrepancy reports from incoming shipment work areas, and even requisition work reports where specimens are processed, BSI provides reporting functionality from wherever you are working, and relevant to the materials with which you are working.

Any time a report is run from anywhere in the system, it can be saved to access at a later time, and it can be output in a format compatible with your workflow. Your data is the most important part of your work, and BSI is designed to allow you to access that data as easily, intuitively and at as many points throughout your workflow as possible.

