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Right Mouse Button Menus

By Archive User posted 04-24-2015 07:10


A major priority for any user of specimen processing software is that the system provides configurability, power, and broad functionality without sacrificing usability or efficient processing. This can pose quite a challenge for software like BSI, since adding tools and processing capability often means adding navigation requirements and mouse clicks. This kind of additional work for the user can add up to a significant loss of efficiency. BSI meets this challenge by providing the user with hidden menus located everywhere throughout the system, tailored to the user’s current work, and accessible by simply right clicking.

Whether a user is organizing containers in a location structure, performing tasks on specimens in a requisition, or running database queries, right clicking on anything from specimen listings to field values can provide the user with a list of actionable tools. Some of these tools are standard, such as the ability to view a comprehensive set of specimen data in a ‘Specimen Viewer’ dialog whenever and wherever a BSI ID is listed. Other right click menu tools are more specifically relevant to the work being done, such as the ability to generate a contents report on a particular Locations container. Right click menu tools cover a range of functionality from running reports on highlighted data, to sorting fields according to specified criteria, to formatting and mass editing field values.

Perhaps the most important functionality afforded by BSI’s right click menus is enhanced system integration. By giving users instant access to a list of tools from anywhere in the system, users are not limited to performing module relevant tasks from only the associated manager. For example, although the Data Entry module is the main point from which users can enter new specimen records, this work can also be done via a right click menu tool in the Locations manager. Background reports can be run, requisitions can be generated and specimens assigned to locations from places in BSI other than the Reports, Requisitions and Locations managers.

 By providing access to general and work-specific tools from anywhere in the system, BSI allows users to set their own workflow dynamics and access powerful functionality without losing time or adding steps. In this way, BSI provides its users with both broad and intuitive usability.

